'Game Of Thrones' Fans Are Demanding An Arya Spin-Off And It Sounds Pretty Great

We're back for one last round folks, one last opportunity to talk about a new episode of Game Of Thrones.

Will you capture it, reader? Or will you just let it slip?



Watch yourself, people, who haven't seen up to the last episode of Game Of Thrones yet! Because we've got to talk about the newest GoT if we want to tackle a possible spin-off!

It seems they've left.


All in all, it was a pretty good finale. At least in my humble opinion.

We got some themes of death and rebirth (see: wintery at the beginning, summery when they're deciding the future of the world).

Jon kills Dany.


And then he gets sent back to the Night's Watch which... is an interesting ending for him.

Probably where he belongs. I mean, he does look pretty cute in that black cloak :$.

Brienne becomes head of the Kingsguard.


Bran's Kingsguard, to be specific. And with Tyrion as his Hand, Sam as his Maester, Bronn as master of coin, Sansa ruling the North it's all looking bright for the future of Westeros!

And I'll admit, I was wrong about one thing.


Arya didn't sit on the Iron Throne.

Okay, okay, you can laugh children of the village. Point your fingers, chant your taunts. You won't be laughing once the virus gets out...

I'm kidding, obviously.


Arya did get a pretty cool ending though. She got to sail to the west of Westeros, presumably to discover the new world eventually. Hopefully, she's got all her shots.

But people are starting to muse about a possible spin-off.


Think about it: Arya's traveling the new world, meeting strange indigenous peoples, discovering unfound ancient treasures. She'll be like Indiana Jones, except with a lot more murder. And that's saying something.

Twitter seems to like the idea.

And I love the title West Of Westeros.

Heck, they can even call it Westworld.

That would be an awesome title for a series. HBO, why haven't you thought of this yet???

People are making this joke a lot.

Pretty good, but I honestly think Aryana Jones might be the best one I've seen so far. Arypher Starklombus, that's another runner up.

What other Arya/explorer puns are there out there?

They say her going away was the only good part of Season 8.

Which I've got to disagree with. Remember when Arya killed the Night King? When she rode that white horse that was probably death? Remember when there was still hope that she'd sit on the Iron Throne?

This one is a little dark.

Clearly, this person isn't that big of a fan of Christopher Columbus. I mean, what did he do that was so bad?

What's that? Ooh, yeah, I just read his Wikipedia page. Not great.

This part I... uh... don't really remember.

Twitter | @soulfluidity

Then again, I do remember hearing some Seinfeld music near the end of the episode. And it was weird how the Starks were all sitting around Jon's apartment when Tyrion came in, slapped money down and yelled: "I'm out".

Didn't see this one coming.

You really don't think you'll ever see a flat-earther joke combined with a Game Of Thrones joke, but that's why I love this job. You never know what you're going to get.

Some people don't care where she goes.

They just want to see more of her, which I whole-heartedly agree with.

I loved Arya throughout this series. Especially when she was with the Hound. Huh, whatever happened to that guy?

What's your take on it?


Would you like to see an Arya series? Or do you hope they just leave the whole affair alone?

I personally would like to see them do Season 8 again. Honestly, I just desperately want to be right.