
17+ Strange Things That Aren't What They Appear To Be

We grow up with stories of magic and futuristic technology where items can transform and cloak themselves, but we understand they aren't real.

That is, until we encounter things in our real life that has us wondering, what if they were? This list features moments of questioning just like that, with 15+ things that aren't quite what they appear to be.

"The same color liquid in different colored buckets makes for an interesting comparison/contrast."

I went to kindergarten. I know blue and yellow make green. But there's still something that feels impossible about this.

"This pile of clothes looks like a nurse shark."

A new version of 'the floor is lava', the floor is shark-infested, but this time it's real.

"Accidentally gave my apple slice perfect peanut butter hair."

You've really made a name for yourself as an apple hair dresser! You'll have slices lined up outside your salon for days.

"The happiest ukulele I've ever seen."

It's hard to be sad when playing the ukelele but even more so when playing this one in particular.

"'Gurgle gurgle gurgle' said the cyclops."

He's just excited about being hydrated and you should be, too!

"Bought this book today and didn’t notice the lighter text until I saw it outside."

An interesting design choice but one that seemed to pay off. If it got you to buy it, who knows how many others did the same!

"Someone told me my Workshop Materials Cart looks like [Manhattan]."

Not only that but the organization here is strangely satisfying. Great photo all around.

"Chain link fence shadow looks like fish net leggings."

Get the look for a fraction of the price! Less than that even, you can get it for free!

"I took this photo and the cloud was giving me thumbs up."

A perfect sign from the universe that you're doin' alright, kid.

"My popcorn looks like a happy dinosaur."

I can't think of a way to explain this that would make sense but I think I'd be pretty happy if I were made of popcorn too.

"My oven looks like a scared face."

Well, yeah, it gets hot in there. No wonder he doesn't like it!

"Jalapeño slice from a pho restaurant looked like the mask from *Scream*."

Much like the last photo, I think he's just scared of what's coming next.

"The ace of clubs of 3 of hearts."

It's having a bit of an identity crisis but that's alright. Give it time and it'll discover what it truly is inside.

"A membrane formed around the seeds inside my heirloom tomato. Looks like an entrapped strawberry."

This really does look like a strawberry was put in jail for fruit crimes. Is there a flora judicial system?

"This WW2 era 81 mm mortar grenade that has been turned into a table lamp."

Definitely cool and certainly safe, but not something I'd want in my house. It would still make me nervous.

"These curtains make elephants."

It's amazing how our brains are able to recognize the simplest of patterns or effects and apply them to other objects.

"My incense burner came wrapped in someone's statistics notes."

It's a good way to recycle and you get to learn about proportions!

"This tree looks like broccoli."

Keep an eye on it, if it starts blooming giant flowers, it might actually be broccoli.

"My wife had a Flamin' Hot Cheeto the exact shape and approximate size/color of a drumstick chicken wing."

Size? If you're eating chicken wings this small, you're getting ripped off.

"There’s a face in my plastic bag."

Really not a fan of how menacing and ghostly it looks. You should throw the bag out, it has terrible vibes.

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