14+ Pics That Prove Just 'Cause Ya Could Doesn't Mean Ya Should

Have you ever seen the "If I fits, I sits!" meme about the fat cat attempting to lay down in a tiny box? Well, that kinda echoes the sentiment I'm about to lay down for y'all.

Just because you can do something that's clearly stupid doesn't mean you should do something that's clearly stupid. I'm telling you this because the government doesn't have the funds to put out a PSA.

1. I know this looks like a toilet and may actually function like a toilet, but you still shouldn't poop in it. 

Memedroid | Memedroid

For starters, there is zero privacy. I have nothing to follow that up with. That should be enough.

2. Duct tape may work wonders, but that doesn't mean it makes miracles happen. 

Reddit | [deleted]

This car is still inherently unsafe, regardless of how well this duct tape holds it together.

3. Again, I'm sure it works, but that doesn't mean it's safe. 

The Things | The Things

If anything, it just makes your car look a little extra adorable, but that's about it. Call a mechanic and get it fixed.

4. You either shave both legs or none at all.

Memedroid | Memedroid

You can't go halfsies on this kind of thing. Just buckle up and get it done, or rock a little fluff and call it a day.

5. This never was and never will be a good idea. 

eBaum's World | eBaum's World

I don't care how drunk you are. This is the stupidest possible thing you could ever do.

Apparently, natural selection is still alive and well.

6. This type of behavior should be outlawed in every single country.

eBaum's World | eBaum's World

Public transit is a privilege, not a right. I think that we all need to be reminded of that every now and again.

7. There is absolutely no reason to jump into a giant dumpster of cardboard unless you're hiding from the police. 

The Chive | The Chive

In which case, get on in here. There's enough cardboard to hide the both of us.

8. This is the kind of office prank that I cannot get behind. 

DumpaDay | DumpaDay

Don't mess with my coffee or I'll mess with your entire life. You don't want to test me on this one.

9. I bet this seemed like a good idea at first but then spun ridiculously out of control.

DumpaDay | DumpaDay

Most bad decisions start off as a good decision that goes terribly wrong.

10. Heels probably aren't the best type of footwear to rock when you're also wearing a cast and limping on crutches. 

eBaum's World | eBaum's World

I'm not trying to be rude. I'm just looking out for your overall well-being.

11. This milk probably didn't go down without a fight, but this is still no way to treat a sweet chocolatey beverage. 

The Chive | The Chive

You know where the straws supposed to go, so stop acting so stupid.

12. Under no circumstance is this acceptable behavior for any human being in any public place. 

eBaum's World | eBaum's World

This is the single most disgusting thing I've seen all day, and I work on the internet, so that's saying a lot.

13. You may be blessed with the ability to fall asleep literally anywhere, but that doesn't mean that you should actually fall asleep literally anywhere. 

The Chive | The Chive

Exhibit A: This guy right here.

14. You may have enough hair left to technically rock a man bun, but that doesn't mean it's a socially acceptable man bun.

The Chive | The Chive

So if you're in the same situation as this guy, I would urge you to shave it all off.

15. This is what happens when you raise your kids with zero freedom.

eBaum's World | eBaum's World

They grow up and become overwhelmed with the control they have over their own lives, and then they get weird tattoos.

16. Sure, you may have the money to get the image of a cat shrink-wrapped around the hood of your car, but that doesn't mean it's a good way to spend eight grand. 

The Chive | The Chive

17. Maybe you should think before you drink.

eBaum's World | eBaum's World

I'm pretty sure if you had asked literally anyone, they would have told you that it's just a fancy butt washing station for the wealthy.

18. Just because the drive-thru option is available at your local bank doesn't mean that it is built for everyone. 

eBaum's World | eBaum's World

Going inside would be much easier. Trust me on this one.

19. If you thought that people would be worrying about curing diseases or devising a system of equal wealth distribution, you were wrong. 

DumpaDay | DumpaDay

We are learning to paint with hot dogs, because apparently we don't deserve higher brain functioning capabilities.

20. I know that no one can stop her from opening up a nut shop with that name, but that doesn't mean that someone shouldn't stop her from opening a nut shop with that name.

DumpaDay | DumpaDay

21. Just because Kyle is single doesn't mean you should date him. 

The Chive | The Chive

Sure, you have all the same interests and values, but he pops his collar, so you know it just won't work out.

22. I don't know whether to sit or to sip.

Reddit | Reddit

Just kidding. Obviously, I know I shouldn't be doing either.

Honestly, who drinks from a toilet? And also, who sits on a toilet you can drink from? I just have so many questions about this one.

23. Being a girl means finding new and exciting ways to live without pockets. 

Pleated-Jeans | Pleated-Jeans

Sure, this looks stupid, but I challenge you to find somewhere else to put a smartphone when you're wearing four square inches of clothes with no pockets to be found.

24. If you're gonna get a face tattoo, at least make it something meaningful. 

Reddit | aikoaiko11

Like a teardrop, tribal detailing, or the phrase "Hakuna Matata." If it's not timeless, then it's not worth it.

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