20th Century Fox

'Fight Club' Has Sequels And This Is The First Time I'm Hearing About It

Woah, that sweet movie from 1999 has a sequel? Where do I find the movie, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon– what's that? The sequel is a book?

What the hell is a book?

Are you an edgy teenager? Do you hate the establishment (i.e. your parents)?

20th Century Fox

Then you'll love Fight Club, a movie chalked full of testosterone (possibly as satire) and an anti-establishment feel. They beat each other up, then they blow up some buildings.

Fun, fun, fun!

But did you know, dear reader...

20th Century Fox

That the movie (which was originally a book by Chuck Palahniuk) has a sequel?

Oh yes, and it's in the form of a graphic novel, which means you don't have to read a dumb book!

It revolves around the narrator (now named Sebastian) living with his girlfriend Marla.

20th Century Fox

And I know what you're thinking: the narrator is narrating, right?


This story is told through the point of view of Tyler.

After living in Sebastian's subconscious for years, he comes out ten years after Fight Club to wreak havoc on Sebastian's life once more.

I won't spoil it, because you should read the comic...

20th Century Fox

But if you enjoyed the bloodshed, the acts of terror and most of all, Tyler Durden's madness, then you'll love this comic book sequel.

And maybe they'll make a sequel to the movie as well.