14+ Wholesome Pics That Are Almost Too Pure For This World

Nothing gets me in a good mood more than hearing about all the good people in the world. It's a whole lot easier to get going in the morning when you have a reminder that kindness hasn't gone out of fashion yet, isn't it?

And I never get tired of hearing those positive, life-affirming stories! No matter what happens in the world, we all need each other. And, for the most part, strangers will often be there for us when we need them. We just need some pics to remind us of that from time to time.

1. Good karma came back to this restaurant owner a decade after a kind deed.

Reddit | amazinglymorgan

"Ten years ago I was a dollar short on paying for my meal with some friends when I used to live here," the note reads. "You just let it slide and here is your tip with interest."

2. "Every week this woman walks around my town with a big tray of baked goods and offers one to everyone she sees," wrote Reddit user ScradleyGymson. 

Reddit | ScradleyGymson

"It's such a simple act of kindness but everyone leaves with a smile."

3. Glasgow taxi driver William McCartney made a generous offer on Facebook, writing that "anyone out there with cancer struggling to get to and back from hospital appointments due to lack of funds or family, I'm willing to take you a couple times a month completely free."

Facebook | William McCartney

William, I think you just made the entire world's day!

4. This group of veterans built a new ramp for a WWII vet's 98th birthday.

Reddit | Reddit

As one of the last surviving WWII vets in his area, it must have been an honor to help him get out more.

5. "My daughter's teacher is undergoing chemo. This was their first art class this year," wrote Reddit user Karmafacilitator. 

Reddit | Karmafacilitator

"I'm so appreciative of how hard this woman works to teach her students about more than just academics. She is a strong and beautiful person (whose permission I requested before posting)."

6. Every day, this mother draws her daughter on her lunch bag, with the outfit she's wearing each day, the weather, and showing what's for lunch. 

Twitter | @Lady_RHOalye

"Iā€™m a terrible artist, but I love her so much."

7. This is just the sweetest dog, bringing a toy to comfort his owner when she's in the shower.

Twitter | @badmoodrude

I mean, how can you not just bawl at the love on display here?

8. When some birds decided to set up their nest in a cigarette bin, they unwittingly put themselves in danger.

Reddit | Queen64246

Thankfully, some kind humans put up some notes to make sure nobody stuffed a lit cigarette into their nest.

9. This bird found another odd place for its nest — on top of a traffic light.

Twitter | @insanligainanc

This is in Turkey, where the temperatures can rise to dangerous levels, so umbrellas were put up to keep the birds safe from the scorching sun.

10. When the mail carrier, who usually carries treats for the doggies on her route, went on vacation, she left behind a bag of treats to make sure this pooch still got her daily treat.

Reddit | thrashatron

How thoughtful!

11. This poor kitty lost both of her ears before being rescued, so her foster mother crocheted her a hat with ears on it.

Reddit | LetUnityBlossom

And yes, she has found a forever home ā€” only natural considering how adorable she is!

12. "Nurses are the best," wrote Reddit user wingzone. "Wrapped up my 4 year old son’s stuffed animals with the same bandage he got after skull surgery so he could wake up to them like this."

Reddit | wingzone

We wouldn't even try to argue that ā€” nurses rock!

13. "My daughter was nervous about having an IV put in," wrote Reddit user PotatoMuffinMafia. "My new boyfriend (army medic) sat and showed her exactly how it would work and said he’d have one put in too."

Reddit | PotatoMuffinMafia

That's love right there.

14. Somebody left this uplifting note in a random library book for a stranger to find.

Reddit | mrmeeseeksxd

Not the sort of thing you expect to find in a library book, but always welcome!

15. "Eleven years after becoming a widow, my grandmother has found love and got married at 75 years old," wrote Reddit user Coffin_Nail.

Reddit | Coffin_Nail

Love is rare at any age, so congrats to these two for finding it with each other!

16. A young man put these signs up on a nature path in Wales, providing bags so people can store their waste instead of littering.

Reddit | demonceri

And he regularly walks the trail to replenish the bags for visitors. Now that's a guy who loves his area.