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The Baby Trump Blimp Flew Over Westminster While Trump Entered Downing Street

Amidst the various protests to President Trump's 3-day visit to the UK, everyone's favorite Baby Blimp has made an appearance above Westminster, perfectly timed for Trump's arrival.

The 20-foot tall balloon first made an appearance in Washington last year.


The "Trump Babysitters" as they call themselves created the beautiful monstrosity in an attempt to embarrass the president.

Upon hearing about the impending UK trip, they reached out to their supporters on their crowdfunding page.

"If Trump's back, then Trump Baby needs to be there to greet him."

USA Today

"But for that we need your help again," the post reads, "At the start of June the orange arch-bully of Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump, will land his super-sized entourage in London for a three day visit. And this time he gets a horse & carriage: It's the first state visit for President Trump."

Baby Trump was deflated after a strict two-hour fly time.

USA Today

Since the blimp is over 20 feet tall, local police informed protesters that Baby Trump could only fly for a couple of hours and had to have at least one body part touching the ground at all times.

Despite it's short visit, Baby Blimp served its purpose.

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The team of babysitters managed to get the blimp visible above Westminster just as Trump was entering Downing street, which posed him for the perfect view.

Farewell Baby Trump!

h/t: Buzzfeed News