
Quotes That Make Us Feel A Little Attacked

Life ain't easy. However, I'm not talking in regards to the larger issues at play such as general political chaos, the world being hit by a pandemic, and the fact that people consider the 1975 to be a "good" band.

No, I'm talking about the everyday struggles, like making sure that you stick to that diet that you've been on for 20 minutes, and ensuring that you get enough physical exercise, these things and more aren't easy! And, it is only natural to feel a little attacked about not being able to stick to that diet or polishing off that second bottle of wine on your own, so here are a handful of quotes that make us feel a little attacked which will hopefully spur you on to keep on the straight and narrow!

Dieting 101

Rebel Circus

Sure, diets are hard, but did you ever consider that you can just cheat? Just make sure no one sees you do it and you'll be fine!



I've been in quarantine for 24 whole hours and I've already polished off all of the Quavers and M&M's, how are you all faring?