💒 "We Donated More!" Couple Tries to STEAL Bride's Wedding Slot

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Diply | Diply

🎩💍 Buckle up, folks! We've got a juicy tale of wedding drama that'll make your head spin! 😱 Our groom-to-be is caught in a sticky situation with his cousin's Maid of Horror... oops, I mean Maid of Honor! 🙊 Brace yourselves for a rollercoaster ride of entitled attitudes, clashing ceremonies, and family pressure. Will our groom stand his ground or cave to the demands? 🤔 Let's dive into this messy matrimonial mayhem! 💥

🎩 Groom's Dilemma: Wedding Woes with Cousin's MOH 😱

xsetsun | xsetsun

💍 Fiancée's Fateful Encounter at Bridal Shower 🚿

xsetsun | xsetsun

⛪ Clashing Wedding Ceremonies: Same Church, Same Time! 😱

xsetsun | xsetsun

😡 MOH's Entitled Attitude: "I'll Have My Way!" 🤬

xsetsun | xsetsun

💰 MOH Plays the "Daddy Donated" Card 🙄

xsetsun | xsetsun

🤔 Groom & Bride Left Confused and Upset 😞

xsetsun | xsetsun

📞 Priest Confirms: Groom & Bride Have the Date! 🙌

xsetsun | xsetsun

🕰️ Priest's Proposal: Cut Ceremony Time for MOH? ⏳

xsetsun | xsetsun

🤨 Groom & Bride Refuse to Budge 🙅‍♀️

xsetsun | xsetsun

🚫 No Compromise: MOH's Behavior Seals the Deal 😤

xsetsun | xsetsun

👪 Family Pressure: "Be the Bigger Person" 🤦‍♂️

xsetsun | xsetsun

🤔 Groom's Dilemma: To Compromise or Not? 🤷‍♂️

xsetsun | xsetsun

🌟 Key Clarifications: It's Cousin's MOH, Not Fiancée's 🔍

xsetsun | xsetsun

⏰ Booking Blunders: 11 AM vs 2 PM Slots 🕰️

xsetsun | xsetsun

📅 MOH's Lack of Confirmation: May to September 🤨

xsetsun | xsetsun

🔍 Hindsight: Confirmation Could've Avoided Conflict 😔

xsetsun | xsetsun

Groom's Wedding Woes: To Compromise or Not?

Our groom is stuck between a rock and a hard place! 😱 The Maid of Honor is throwing a tantrum, claiming her daddy's money gives her the right to steamroll the groom's big day. 💰🙄 The priest is trying to play peacemaker, suggesting a time cut, but our groom and his bride are standing their ground. 🙅‍♀️ Family's pressuring him to "be the bigger person," but is it fair to compromise after the MOH's nasty attitude? 🤨 The internet is about to weigh in on this matrimonial mess, and it's gonna be a wild ride!

Scheduling conflict resolved with a sunrise wedding 🌅👰

Sidneyreb | Sidneyreb

NTA. MOH's attitude makes it a clear decision to keep slot.

jmbbl | jmbbl

Don't let them spoil your big day. You owe them nothing. 💍

celticmusebooks | celticmusebooks

Church double booked wedding, bride angry at wrong party. NTA.

fuzzy_mic | fuzzy_mic

"Be the bigger person" is just a way to avoid confrontation ❌

Rnin85 | Rnin85

Don't let the church's mistake ruin your wedding day. NTA!

jrm1102 | jrm1102

NTA commenter compares MOH to Draco Malfoy 🧑🧭

TitaniaT-Rex | TitaniaT-Rex

Booked first, not the a-hole. Bride should change date/venue 👍

Acrobatic_Increase69 | Acrobatic_Increase69

The commenter shares their experience with wedding slot theft.

National_Average1115 | National_Average1115

NTA: MOH chose to be rude, now faces the consequences ❌

Whorible_wife69 | Whorible_wife69

Don't let their poor planning ruin your wedding day! NTA 👏

teresajs | teresajs

Don't be the bigger person when someone's rude at a bridal shower. #NTA

Aggravating-Owl-8974 | Aggravating-Owl-8974

Don't be a doormat. Being the bigger person ≠ being a pushover. 🤔

aoc199 | aoc199

Wedding slot drama: OP not the a-hole, but where's proof?

Buttercup_Bride | Buttercup_Bride

MOH accused of stealing wedding date, commenter questions manipulation tactics 🤔

fritz1215 | fritz1215

Sassy reply to selfish friend. 🤷‍♀️

lysalnan | lysalnan

Being the bigger person pays off. NTA for standing firm.

gelastes | gelastes

Bride stands firm against entitled couple trying to steal wedding slot 💪

Excellent-Count4009 | Excellent-Count4009

Wedding day is special. Don't let anyone ruin it! 👰🏻

Ok_Commercial_3493 | Ok_Commercial_3493

NTA. MOH tried to steal your wedding slot and was entitled.

PandaLand447 | PandaLand447

Bookkeepers track money, not calendars. Interesting point 🤔

sparksgirl1223 | sparksgirl1223

NTA. MOH's actions backfired, not your problem. 👍


Cutting time short won't stop entitled bride from taking over 🙄

Forsaken-Revenue-628 | Forsaken-Revenue-628

Enjoy your wedding! Your day, your venue, your rules 👏

letsberealyall | letsberealyall

Your wedding, your rules. Don't let anyone steal your slot! 👰🏻💒

FireflyFableFlare | FireflyFableFlare

Booked your slot, MOH can pray for karma. #NTA 💒

unlovelyladybartleby | unlovelyladybartleby

Being the bigger person to accommodate a shit-stirrer? NTA 👍

ordinaryhorse | ordinaryhorse

Don't mess with a bride's wedding slot 👰‍🎓

Icy-Conversation9349 | Icy-Conversation9349

Hold firm! YWNBTA - You already booked it 🔒

Trick_Magician2368 | Trick_Magician2368

NTA. Aunt's mistake shouldn't make you reschedule. MOH still has ceremony.

FuzzyMom2005 | FuzzyMom2005

Don't let others interfere with your decisions. NTA 👍

CalendarDad | CalendarDad

Aunt messes up wedding slot, blames bride instead of fixing it 🙄

Prestigious-Name-323 | Prestigious-Name-323

Wedding scheduling conflict raises eyebrows amidst family ties.

blawearie | blawearie

Don't let entitled jerks ruin your special day! 💍

Uninteresting_Vagina | Uninteresting_Vagina

Bride refuses to accommodate couple trying to steal wedding slot 💒

andmewithoutmytowel | andmewithoutmytowel

NTA. You did what you were supposed to. Stick to it! 👍

Livvysgma | Livvysgma

Don't bribe the church for wedding slots 💒. NTA!

trankirsakali | trankirsakali

Thankful for finding out early, avoiding a double wedding disaster! 👏

Practical-Basil-3494 | Practical-Basil-3494

Wedding slot stealers called out and deemed not the a**holes 👍

megann-3 | megann-3

Stand your ground on your wedding day! 💪 NTA

Nester1953 | Nester1953

Cutting the MOH out? 🤔 Maybe a bit drastic...

Status-Associate6318 | Status-Associate6318

Don't let them pressure you to cut your wedding ceremony 💒

Maximum-Swan-1009 | Maximum-Swan-1009

Better safe than sorry 😉 Hire security for your wedding! 🚩

louisianefille | louisianefille

Church secretary's error causes wedding slot dispute 🤔

ljgyver | ljgyver

Don't reward entitlement. NTA is right, be the bigger person 🙌

MapleTheUnicorn | MapleTheUnicorn

NTA - Avoid the MOH drama and enjoy your wedding day 💖

blootereddragon | blootereddragon

Stick to your schedule and don't let anyone ruin your day 💪

SheiB123 | SheiB123

Don't let others disrespect you. NTA for standing your ground. 👏

GhostParty21 | GhostParty21

Don't let them steal your wedding slot. Stay firm 💪

Emotional_Bonus_934 | Emotional_Bonus_934

Booked and confirmed, they screwed up. NTA! 👏

OhioMegi | OhioMegi

NTA. Offers compromise and well wishes for bride's wedding day 🙌

gnarly314 | gnarly314

You booked the slot, don't let her ruin your day 💍✨

ichheissekate | ichheissekate

NTA commenter suggests pushing bride's wedding down and demanding compensation.

soapylovesmakeup | soapylovesmakeup

Booked fair & square, don't let bullies steal your slot! 👏

Shells613 | Shells613

Protect your wedding slot from greedy relatives 💒

jmurphy42 | jmurphy42

NTA for standing up for your wedding slot. Church should fix.

GibsonGirl55 | GibsonGirl55

Stand your ground! You're not the a**hole in this situation 👍

VibrationalVirgo | VibrationalVirgo

Elopement seems like a good plan now. Congrats on wedding! 💖

MiaW07 | MiaW07

Booked venue officially, no need to compromise. NTA. 👏

WinEquivalent4069 | WinEquivalent4069

Wedding hijackers are epidemic. Entitled jerks ruining special days. 😡

11SkiHill | 11SkiHill

Being the bigger person doesn't make you the a**hole 💪

admweirdbeard | admweirdbeard

Stand your ground and have your wedding for the allotted time 💪

whatTheFox23 | whatTheFox23

Have your wedding and enjoy your time. NTA 👏

seejaneflirt | seejaneflirt

Wedding drama unfolds as bride-to-be sets priorities straight. NTA

noccie | noccie

Bride rightfully claims wedding slot, MOH's rudeness adds insult.

mynameisnotsparta | mynameisnotsparta

Protect your family, don't back down. You're NTA 👏

shikakaaaaaaa | shikakaaaaaaa

Stand your ground, NTA. Don't let entitled people win. 👊

wamale | wamale

Wedding planner advises to stick with business logistics and not negotiate.

SeattleGirl99 | SeattleGirl99

You reserved the church, they didn't. NTA 👏

Ornery-Wasabi-473 | Ornery-Wasabi-473

A commenter suggests a compromise for the bride's wedding slot. NTA.

peetecalvin | peetecalvin

A fair judgement - couple's wedding entitlement questioned 👏

JGCii | JGCii

NTA for choosing not to change ceremony despite MOH's tantrum 👏

throwitaway3857 | throwitaway3857

Rude, entitled couple tries to steal wedding slot. NTA prevails 👏

L_D_Machiavelli | L_D_Machiavelli

Just say no to this absolute f**kery 🚫

ragdoll1022 | ragdoll1022

Don't let entitled AHs steal your wedding slot! 💍👰

Quix66 | Quix66

NTA. MOH dug her own grave. Don't cave to her entitlement. 👍

No_Juggernau7 | No_Juggernau7

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