💔 "I Deserve Happiness" - Wife DITCHES Alcoholic Husband After 16 Years

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Buckle up, folks! 🚗💨 We've got a wild ride ahead! 🎢 Meet our leading lady, a devoted wife and mother who's been through the wringer. 😰 Her once-carefree marriage took a dark turn when her husband spiraled into alcoholism. 🍺😱 Abuse, financial ruin, and endless responsibilities weighed heavily on her shoulders. 🏋️‍♀️ But wait, there's more! A baby, a sick father, and a husband who just won't step up. 👶👴🙅‍♂️ Is she wrong for wanting out? 🤔 Let's dive in and find out! 🏊‍♀️

🚨 Carefree Couple's World Turned Upside Down! 😱

Dogsrwomansbff | Dogsrwomansbff

🍺 Husband's Drinking Spirals Out of Control! 🌀

Dogsrwomansbff | Dogsrwomansbff

💸 Financial Nightmare: Foreclosure and Debt! 😰

Dogsrwomansbff | Dogsrwomansbff

🙏 Good Christian Girl Tries to Save Marriage 🕊️

Dogsrwomansbff | Dogsrwomansbff

👶 Baby Arrives, Husband Steps Up... Briefly 🍼

Dogsrwomansbff | Dogsrwomansbff

😢 Wife Begs for Help, Husband Ignores Pleas 💔

Dogsrwomansbff | Dogsrwomansbff

👴 Father's Health Scare Adds to Wife's Burden 🏥

Dogsrwomansbff | Dogsrwomansbff

🐪 The Straw That Broke the Camel's Back 🌿

Dogsrwomansbff | Dogsrwomansbff

🍳 Wife Juggles It All: Cooking, Breadwinning, Bills 🧾

Dogsrwomansbff | Dogsrwomansbff

🚪 Husband Refuses to Leave, Claims He'll 'Crash and Burn' 🔥

Dogsrwomansbff | Dogsrwomansbff

🛋️ Therapist Advises Against Separation? 🤔

Dogsrwomansbff | Dogsrwomansbff

😰 Wife's Health Deteriorates Under Stress 🏥

Dogsrwomansbff | Dogsrwomansbff

😊 Wife Demands Happiness, Says Husband Hasn't Been a Partner 💑

Dogsrwomansbff | Dogsrwomansbff

🏠 Wife Can Afford Mortgage, Does Most Parenting 👩‍👦

Dogsrwomansbff | Dogsrwomansbff

🤔 Is She Wrong for Wanting Out? 🚪

Dogsrwomansbff | Dogsrwomansbff

🚨 Wife at Her Breaking Point: Is Leaving the Answer? 😰💔

Our heroine has endured a tumultuous marriage marked by her husband's alcoholism, abuse, and financial irresponsibility. 🍺💸 Despite his sobriety, he continues to be a burden, leaving her to shoulder all the responsibilities. 🙍‍♀️ With a young son, a sick father to care for, and her own health deteriorating, she's reached her limit. 😰 Her husband refuses to leave, claiming his therapist advised against it. 🛋️🚫 But she knows she deserves happiness and a true partner. 😊💑 Is she wrong for wanting to separate? 🤔 The internet has some thoughts! 💭

Leaving an abusive partner is never wrong. 👏

Jimbo_Jigs | Jimbo_Jigs

Take control of your life, file for divorce 💪🏼

rusty0123 | rusty0123

Encouraging comment advises the wife to leave her abusive husband.

JanetInSpain | JanetInSpain

Savage comment shuts down manipulative husband defender 😎

Farting_Champion | Farting_Champion

Find support groups for caregivers and family members of alcoholics ❤️

she_who_knits | she_who_knits

Leaving an abusive spouse is not a sin. 🙏 NTA for leaving.

manwoodlover | manwoodlover

Heartbreaking reminder to prioritize self-love and happiness. 💔

BreeandNatesmom | BreeandNatesmom

Leaving an alcoholic spouse is tough, but sometimes necessary ✌

BeardManMichael | BeardManMichael

Don't waste any more time. You deserve happiness. 🙏

BNWO_sissy_slut69 | BNWO_sissy_slut69

NTA. Leave now so your son knows what a strong woman is 💪

Geezell | Geezell

Seek legal help, prioritize yourself: NTA comment section 👍

ProfessionSanity | ProfessionSanity

Leaving an alcoholic partner - it's never easy 💔

TakeAWlkOnTheWldSyd | TakeAWlkOnTheWldSyd

Encouraging response to NTA comment advocating for self-care. 💪

Ok-Rip2794 | Ok-Rip2794

Wife sets boundaries and leaves alcoholic husband. #NTA 👏

RNGinx3 | RNGinx3

Empathetic comment acknowledges husband's shortcomings and encourages wife to leave.

Defiant_You2588 | Defiant_You2588

Tips on how to get a lawyer who'll fight for you 💪

Any_Coyote6662 | Any_Coyote6662

Secure your valuables and finances before filing for legal separation. 👍

greenrose1994 | greenrose1994

Take control of your finances and life with a lawyer 💪

nipnopples | nipnopples

Take charge and kick him out with no nonsense 💪🚪🔑

MapleTheUnicorn | MapleTheUnicorn

Hold him accountable. Ditch the alcoholic husband for your happiness 👍

Justmyopinion00 | Justmyopinion00

Leave the past behind and seek legal advice. 💪

BefuddledPolydactyls | BefuddledPolydactyls

Secure your home and leave, NTA 👍

Certain_Mobile1088 | Certain_Mobile1088

Wife leaves alcoholic husband after 16 years. NTA comment supports decision.

HypersomnicHysteric | HypersomnicHysteric

Sell the house, not your happiness 💰🏠


Take action, get a lawyer and put yourself first. 👏

Garden_gnome1609 | Garden_gnome1609

Quietly ditching alcoholic husband despite his therapist's advice. NTA 👍

aspermyprevious | aspermyprevious

Leaving a toxic relationship is never the a**hole move 👏

l0nelybbygrl | l0nelybbygrl

Take charge of your life and stand your ground. 💪🏻

miyuki_m | miyuki_m

Leave the misery and demand happiness. NTA 🙌

justprettymuchdone | justprettymuchdone

Give yourself and your children a fighting chance 👊 NTA

insomniacandsun | insomniacandsun

Divorce advice: rip the bandaid off, he won't change. NTA.

shzan1 | shzan1

Parenting with abusers is never easy. Protect the children 👏

Lucigirl4ever | Lucigirl4ever

Helpful advice for someone considering divorce from an alcoholic spouse.

BelieveBelieves | BelieveBelieves

Protect yourself and your family. Seek legal help 👍

SnooRabbits302 | SnooRabbits302

NTA. Don't be his mommy. 👍

Artshildr | Artshildr

Enabling an alcoholic spouse is not the answer 👍

Rough_Pangolin_8605 | Rough_Pangolin_8605

Divorce may be tough, but necessary for a fresh start. 💔

Frack-u-all | Frack-u-all

50-year-old male defends himself against alcoholism and abuse accusations 😉

gbalib | gbalib

Supportive Christian comment encourages woman to leave abusive husband. ✔️

wisegirl_93 | wisegirl_93

No unconditional love for unrelated people. Leave and let burn. 💯

mikraas | mikraas

Leaving an alcoholic spouse for the sake of your child 👏

Orangegit | Orangegit

Escape an abusive relationship for a better life 🚪💪

ccl-now | ccl-now

Put your own happiness first. He needs to take responsibility.

Major-Distance4270 | Major-Distance4270

Don't fall for manipulation, prioritize your own and child's happiness ❤️

YepWrongGuy | YepWrongGuy

Suggesting separation of assets with practical advice and empathy.

DeadBear65 | DeadBear65

Wife not the a-hole for leaving alcoholic husband to be responsible

Knittingfairy09113 | Knittingfairy09113

Advice on legal separation and divorce. 👨‍💻📐

Proper-Fan8006 | Proper-Fan8006

Codependency can be worse than addiction 😢

Current_Singer_5141 | Current_Singer_5141

Wife's powerful ultimatum to abusive, alcoholic husband. 👊

Special_Lychee_6847 | Special_Lychee_6847

Encouraging comment to leave alcoholic husband and start fresh. 👏

Far-Cup9063 | Far-Cup9063

Don't let an alcoholic spouse hold you hostage. NTA 👏

HamAndCheeseOnWry | HamAndCheeseOnWry

Therapist's patient shouldn't burden estranged spouse. NTA.

Icy_Yam_3610 | Icy_Yam_3610

Put your own mask on first 👍. You're not responsible for him.

SuzieQbert | SuzieQbert

Supportive comment suggests Al Anon meetings for spouse's alcoholism ❤️

Klutzy-Run5175 | Klutzy-Run5175

A commenter calls out the husband's manipulation and advises action 🔥

Annie354654 | Annie354654

Divorced commenter supports leaving abusive relationship for physical/emotional health. NTA 👏

TheWildGirl2024 | TheWildGirl2024

Take action to protect yourself and your family. 💪🏻👏🏻

SunnyGardenGirl | SunnyGardenGirl

File for divorce ASAP, his behavior is manipulative and abusive. 💪🏻

PrestigiousRoll4046 | PrestigiousRoll4046

Leaving an abusive partner is NTA, but having a child with them is concerning 🤷‍♀️. Please prioritize safety.

TallLoss2 | TallLoss2

Recovering addict offers support to woman leaving abusive alcoholic husband ❤️

Cold_Following_5768 | Cold_Following_5768

Breaking free from codependency and prioritizing self-care 👏

kaitlynismysister | kaitlynismysister

Let him crash and burn 🤷‍♀️. NTA for protecting kid.

CorBen1518 | CorBen1518

Divorce him for your son's sake. NTA. 👍

SweetLorelei | SweetLorelei

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