Dad REFUSES To Apologize After Making Daughter CRY 😱💔

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Diply | Diply

🏡 Welcome to a day in the life of this young family! 👨‍👩‍👧 Mom (28F), Dad (27M), and their sensitive 7-year-old daughter were just chilling in the living room, enjoying some quality time together. 😊 But little did they know, a storm was brewing on the horizon... 🌩️ Buckle up, because this story is about to take a dramatic turn that will leave you questioning everything! 😱 Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of emotions, family dynamics, and the age-old question: Is it ever okay to hurt someone without apologizing? 🤔 Let's dive in and find out! 🏊‍♀️

🏠 Just Another Day in the Living Room... Until Disaster Strikes! 😱

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😢 Sensitive Daughter in Tears After Daddy's Painful Pinch! 😭

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🤨 Momma Bear Demands an Apology... But Stubborn Hubby Refuses! 😠

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😒 Husband Tries to Dodge the Issue... "What Are You Staring At?" 🙄

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🤦‍♀️ Mom Calls Out Hubby's Poor Example... Is It Okay to Hurt Without Apology? 🤔

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🚪 Husband Retreats to Man Cave, Leaving Hurt Feelings Unresolved 😞

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🤷‍♀️ Mom's Dilemma: Was Demanding an Apology Wrong or Just "Dad" Humor? 🤔

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🌅 UPDATE: Waking Up to a Flood of Notifications and Insights! 📱

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🙏 Grateful for the Informative Responses, Even Those Defending Hubby 🤗

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🚧 Acknowledging the Fine Line Between Playful and Hurtful 🤕

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💪 Hubby's Upbringing: Toughen Up, You're a Boy! 🙍‍♂️

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🙋‍♀️ Like Mother, Like Daughter: Valuing Personal Space 🌟

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🗣️ Addressing Issues Without Belittling: A Delicate Balance ⚖️

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🤝 Seeking Advice on How to Communicate "It's Not Okay" 🚫

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🙌 Heartfelt Thanks to Every Commenter for Their Advice and Feedback! 💕

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😱 Family Drama Unfolds: Dad's Painful Pinch Leaves Daughter in Tears! 😢

In this gripping tale, a playful moment turns sour when Dad pinches his sensitive 7-year-old daughter's foot, leaving her crying in pain. 😢 Mom demands an apology, but stubborn Dad refuses and retreats to his man cave! 🚪 The internet is divided: Was Mom wrong to demand an apology, or is this behavior unacceptable? 🤔 The plot thickens as we learn about Dad's upbringing and the family's differing views on personal space. 🙋‍♀️ Mom's update reveals a flood of insightful comments and a quest for advice on addressing the issue without belittling Dad. 🗣️ Get ready to dive into the juicy details and see what the internet has to say about this family drama! 🍿

Calling out bad behavior sets a good example for children 👏

Shutupandplayball | Shutupandplayball

Mom defends daughter after dad's hurtful "joke". #NTA 👏

Electronic_Fox_6383 | Electronic_Fox_6383

Standing up to a bully dad. NTA wins.

emptynest_nana | emptynest_nana

Cracking eggs on kids' heads? Not a joke. Daughter deserves better.

miyuki_m | miyuki_m

Father's harmful behavior normalized; commenter stands up against it. 👏

Disastrous_Drive_764 | Disastrous_Drive_764

Basic manners and kindness are important, even to children. #NTA

CrabbiestAsp | CrabbiestAsp

Parenting gone wrong: potential consequences of refusing to apologize 😓

GMPG1954 | GMPG1954

Engaging advice on addressing problematic behavior with empathy and understanding.

[deleted] | [deleted]

An unconventional way to deal with an insensitive dad 😉🤭

butterfly-garden | butterfly-garden

Important to check for abuse, dad's attitude is concerning. ⚠

Crazybutnotlazy1983 | Crazybutnotlazy1983

Teaching daughter to accept physical hurt? NTA stands firm.

Raibean | Raibean

Father hurts daughter, refuses to apologize. NTA for calling out.

Historical-Gap-7084 | Historical-Gap-7084

Parental abuse is never okay. NTA for standing up.

Prairie_Crab | Prairie_Crab

Father's behavior towards daughter is unacceptable, and wife enabling it.

moistmonkeymerkin | moistmonkeymerkin

Dad refuses to apologize and may regret it later 😬

BusydaydreamerA137 | BusydaydreamerA137

Toxic behavior sets a bad example for kids. 😔

boxermama21 | boxermama21

Modeling apologizing to kids is crucial, NTA comment agrees.

Rash_Indignation | Rash_Indignation

Father refuses to apologize after hurting daughter, commenter praises OP for setting a good example for her daughter.

LocalBrilliant5564 | LocalBrilliant5564

A husband's insensitive actions spark righteous anger and family conflict.

Enlightened_Gardener | Enlightened_Gardener

Dad's 'joke' made daughter cry - commenter calls out husband's behavior

Great_Huckleberry709 | Great_Huckleberry709

Insightful comment on narcissism, great link shared by user.

SyddySquiddy | SyddySquiddy

Parenting gone wrong. A heartbreaking NTA comment with empathy

pattern_thimble | pattern_thimble

Parental violence can have long-lasting effects on children 😢

battycattyhooligan | battycattyhooligan

Valid point on not dismissing daughter's pain response. 👍

marivisse | marivisse

Father's behavior is unacceptable, daughter deserves better 😡

United-Plum1671 | United-Plum1671

NTA dad refuses to apologize to crying daughter. Parenting dilemma.

TWAndrewz | TWAndrewz

Stand up to bullies! Pinch him back 👊

ArmChairDetective84 | ArmChairDetective84

Standing up for your child against teasing dads is important! 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Father's refusal to apologize has damaging impact on daughter's relationships 😢

raeganator98 | raeganator98

Supportive commenter advocates for petty response to unapologetic father.

VioletBloodlust | VioletBloodlust

Modeling empathy and kindness for kids is important 👍

Haaaave_A_Good_Day_ | Haaaave_A_Good_Day_

Teaching empathy and respect for bodily autonomy is crucial. 🤝

mamacracksherselfup | mamacracksherselfup

Uncomfortable physical contact from father; NTA for setting boundaries 👏

BlindButterfly33 | BlindButterfly33

Daughter's tears reveal husband as TA, but she has mom's support 👏

nasanerdgirl | nasanerdgirl

Parent's rough play crosses the line, refuses to apologize 😡

Biotoze | Biotoze

Concerned commenter questions abusive behavior and possible underlying issues. 🤔

Unlikely_Ad_1692 | Unlikely_Ad_1692

Marriage red flag: husband can't apologize for making child cry 😱

Charming-Luck-6591 | Charming-Luck-6591

Setting boundaries with parents while having fun 😊

YoungApprehensive489 | YoungApprehensive489

Dad's 'humor' backfired and he owes his daughter an apology 😞

WaywardJake | WaywardJake

Father refuses to apologize for making 7-year-old daughter cry 😱

CarolineTurpentine | CarolineTurpentine

Concerns raised about possible habitual abusive behavior towards daughter.

Whentothesessions | Whentothesessions

Having a role model father who treats you like a queen 👑‍♀️

NixMacTavish | NixMacTavish

Breaking the cycle of abuse: NTA's advice for a healthy family 👍

mehmench | mehmench

Dad's refusal to apologize to daughter is unacceptable 😠

464ea10 | 464ea10

Celebrating differences and emotional support in relationships. 💅💄💕

tasteslikechicken | tasteslikechicken

A cautionary tale of the long-term effects of bad parenting 🤕

Kathykat5959 | Kathykat5959

Support for standing up to abusive behavior from dad. 💪

lesbipositive | lesbipositive

NTA and important to set a good example for daughters 👍

Nitetigrezz | Nitetigrezz

Being a good parent means apologizing when you hurt your child. NTA 👍

skillent | skillent

Teaching basic empathy to adults 😂

FirstFroglet | FirstFroglet

Disturbing comment highlights potential for abusive behavior in father-daughter dynamic.

Jay_Black24 | Jay_Black24

Daughter must learn to defend herself against physical abuse. #NoMorePain

lovesticks | lovesticks

NTA, but commenter raises concerns about husband's abusive behavior 🤔

Here_for_my-Pleasure | Here_for_my-Pleasure

Teaching kids to apologize for accidental hurts is important ❤️

Elledoesthething | Elledoesthething

Violent behavior towards own child condemned by commenters 😡

DetentionSpan | DetentionSpan

Setting a good example for your kids 👍

MoomahTheQueen | MoomahTheQueen

Heartwarming dad calls out bad parenting with compassion 💖

El_MaloCantu | El_MaloCantu

Engaging dad pranks, but refusing to apologize is concerning 🤔

throwawaysadsadsadgr | throwawaysadsadsadgr

Daughter hurt, dad refuses apology - NTA comment section

writingisfreedom | writingisfreedom

Fatherly remorse with a call for accountability. #NTA 👏

Longjumping-Bat7774 | Longjumping-Bat7774

Disapproving comment calls out childish dad's behavior 😑

Luna_Arcanum | Luna_Arcanum

Concerned commenter questions father's behavior and calls him 'weird af'.

GlassMotor9670 | GlassMotor9670

Teaching accountability is crucial. He's being a s****y dad. 😱

South_Front_4589 | South_Front_4589

Daughter is not the immature one. Husband needs to stop.

slorpa | slorpa

Father's behavior sets a dangerous example for daughter's future relationships 😔

Shastaismybaby | Shastaismybaby

NTA but husband is an a**hole for pinching 7yo daughter 😡

Glad_Performer_7531 | Glad_Performer_7531

NTA Dad is in the wrong for not apologizing to daughter 😔

Honest_Weird_9715 | Honest_Weird_9715

NTAH comments on a dad who refuses to apologize for hurting his daughter.

guineapickle | guineapickle

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