Oilfield Worker's DIESEL Charges Lawyer's Stranded Tesla! 🔋💨

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🔥 Family drama alert! 🚨 My little bro, the hotshot lawyer, loves to flaunt his eco-friendly lifestyle with his Tesla and solar panels. Meanwhile, I'm out here working in the oilfield, getting sh*t from him for my job. 🙄 But when the tables turned and his precious Tesla ran out of juice in the cold, guess who he called for help? 📞 Yep, big bro to the rescue with my trusty diesel welding rig! 🚛 The irony was too good not to snap a few pics, but now he's pissed and my wife's calling me an a-hole. 🤷‍♂️ Let's dive into this juicy tale of sibling rivalry and eco-hypocrisy! 😈

🎓 Proud of my Lawyer Bro, but...

zealousideal_call769 | zealousideal_call769

💼 First Family Uni Grad, but a Bit of a Douche

zealousideal_call769 | zealousideal_call769

🌞 Flaunting His Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

zealousideal_call769 | zealousideal_call769

🥶 Bro Gets Stuck in the Cold

zealousideal_call769 | zealousideal_call769

🔋 Tesla Down to No Power, 18 Hour Wait! 😱

zealousideal_call769 | zealousideal_call769

📞 Desperate Times, Desperate Measures

zealousideal_call769 | zealousideal_call769

🚛 Big Bro to the Rescue!

zealousideal_call769 | zealousideal_call769

😠 Bro's Mad About the Pics

zealousideal_call769 | zealousideal_call769

🤦‍♀️ Wife Says I'm Being an A-hole

zealousideal_call769 | zealousideal_call769

Eco-Warrior Bro Gets Schooled by Diesel-Powered Reality Check!

Well, well, well... looks like Mr. Tesla-driving, solar-panel-flaunting lawyer bro got a taste of his own medicine when his eco-mobile conked out in the cold! Thank goodness for his oilfield-working, diesel-rig-driving big bro who swooped in to save the day. The irony of using a gas-guzzling machine to charge an electric car was just too perfect not to document. But now, the eco-warrior is throwing a hissy fit over a few harmless pics! 😤 Seems like someone can't handle a little reality check. Let's see what the internet has to say about this electrifying tale of brotherly love and hypocrisy! 😜

NTA in a reciprocal relationship where respect goes both ways 👏

Slobotic | Slobotic

ESH, but OP should stop trying to find a 'gotcha' moment 🤷‍♂️

SuzieQbert | SuzieQbert

ESH debate about using diesel to charge stranded Tesla 🔋

Otherwise-Regret-606 | Otherwise-Regret-606

Irony of diesel vs electric car not lost on worker

Sidneyreb | Sidneyreb

YTA accused of trying to embarrass the lawyer. Talk it out.

Terrible_turtle_ | Terrible_turtle_

Albertan commenter calls out rig pig's hypocrisy and entitlement. ESH.

pvpercrown | pvpercrown

Fuel vs Electric debate gets heated: YTA or not?

EmpiricallyEthereal | EmpiricallyEthereal

Debate over consent and double standards in judgement. 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Truck owner deemed YTA for flaunting superiority over stranded Tesla

BitterDoGooder | BitterDoGooder

Worker takes revenge on Tesla-driving lawyer with diesel generator. 😂

peterhala | peterhala

Man with diesel car accuses Tesla owner of hypocrisy. YTA.

Femme_Funtale | Femme_Funtale

Person points out YTA's flaw in electric car argument.

anon_anon2022 | anon_anon2022

Man calls own brother, still gets called YTA by wife. 🤷‍♂️

aetius476 | aetius476

When wives get involved in disputes 😅

Cannaewulnaewidnae | Cannaewulnaewidnae

YTA and petty. Don't expect help from that lawyer again.

AdEqual5610 | AdEqual5610

Don't be an a**hole, delete the pictures and move on.

techbear72 | techbear72

Memorable pictures with no malice make for NTA humor 😂

claradeeee | claradeeee

Charging a Tesla with a generator: eco-friendly or not? 💻🔌🌳

Salvia_hispanica | Salvia_hispanica

Embrace the goofs, even granola munching hippies have moments 😂

Sloth_That_Strips | Sloth_That_Strips

Sibling rivalry over career choices ends in harmless ribbing 🤣

Far_Anteater_256 | Far_Anteater_256

Electricity generation doesn't make him morally superior. NTA wins.

ScreamingMidgit | ScreamingMidgit

Person takes pictures of stranded Tesla to shame lawyer. YTA 😒

Bottle_Nachos | Bottle_Nachos

Photographic proof exposes hypocritical lawyer; oilfield worker not at fault. 😂

Gloomy-Bass3327 | Gloomy-Bass3327

Oilfield worker saves lawyer's Tesla with diesel fuel - NTA

[deleted] | [deleted]

Petty revenge or justified comeuppance? You decide! 🤔

fa_pa | fa_pa

Tree hugger approves of diesel charge on Tesla lawyer 🌳⚡

Standard-Reception90 | Standard-Reception90

Sibling rivalry over environmental responsibilities. ESH. 🤷‍♂️🌍

Either_Wear5719 | Either_Wear5719

Electric cars and solar panels: a 1% flex on poors? 💰🌞⚡️

karlsmission | karlsmission

Sibling rivalry at its finest, but NTA and meme-worthy 🤣

YourOldCellphone | YourOldCellphone

A hilarious story of a family member locking herself out 🤣

[deleted] | [deleted]

Morals vs. life - A tough call. 🤷‍♀️

HesterPrynneIsMyHero | HesterPrynneIsMyHero

NTA: Commenter raises concern about clean energy for electric vehicles.

Ramonaclementine | Ramonaclementine

Keeping receipts without exposing them: the ultimate power move 😎

Kaila82 | Kaila82

Irony at its finest: Lawyer's Tesla charged by oilfield diesel.

Iamstillhere44 | Iamstillhere44

Oil fields powering Teslas? 🤔 Commenter says NTA

Feeling_Ruin_5587 | Feeling_Ruin_5587

Friendly teasing between co-workers over Tesla vs Diesel rivalry 😊

Angry-Dragon-1331 | Angry-Dragon-1331

Keeping family jokes private is NTA, going public is ESH 👁

sjpaddy | sjpaddy

Humor is subjective, consider the relationship before making jokes 😅

siryll | siryll

Electric car debate heats up, NTA saves the day! ⚡🚘

GennyNels | GennyNels

Diesel worker defends photos, shuts down holier-than-thou accusations. 🔥

NotNormo | NotNormo

Savage birthday card idea for elitist lawyer friend! 😈

Super_Reading2048 | Super_Reading2048

Oilfield worker uses diesel to charge Tesla, harmless prank. NTA.

FjordReject | FjordReject

Revenge is a dish best served...with photographic evidence! 😈📸

KesselRun73 | KesselRun73

A suggestion to diffuse tension with humor 😂

Garden_Lady2 | Garden_Lady2

Enthusiastic review of Tesla and consideration for a hybrid 🚗

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sarcastic reply to ridiculous phone call, supports NTA decision.

Due_Pomegranate_9286 | Due_Pomegranate_9286

Eco-hypocrite? Oilfield worker shuts down Tesla-driving lawyer 👌

ScrevyRevington | ScrevyRevington

Friendly warning to hold onto incriminating evidence against an eco-warrior.

Rude_Vermicelli2268 | Rude_Vermicelli2268

NTA points out flaws in Tesla's eco-friendly image 🤣

Boop7482286 | Boop7482286

Calling out hypocrisy of Tesla charging station critics. 🤔

5nuffaluphagus | 5nuffaluphagus

NTA shuts down brother's preaching with flash cards 😁

AlternativeSignal2 | AlternativeSignal2

Enjoying someone's misfortune? Not cool. Let's be kinder 👍

StraightBudget8799 | StraightBudget8799

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