Unbelievable Breakup Demand Has the Internet Fuming 😠

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Breakups can be tough, especially when it's your first rodeo! 🤠💔 Our poor protagonist is navigating the tricky waters of post-split etiquette and wondering if asking for a pricey gift back is a big no-no. 🙊💍 Buckle up, folks, because we're about to dive into a juicy tale of love, loss, and the great earring debate! 😱🍿 Will our hero cross the line or learn a valuable lesson? Let's find out! 👀

💔 The Breakup Blues: Navigating the Aftermath 😢

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📦 The Great Exchange: Swapping Stuff Post-Split 🤝

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✅ Checking the Boxes: All Accounted For? 🧐

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💍 The Case of the Missing Earrings: Still Wearing Them? 🤔

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🤷‍♂️ To Ask or Not to Ask: WIBTA for Wanting Them Back? 😬

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🙏 Reddit to the Rescue: Thanks for the Reality Check! 😅

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🚫 Lesson Learned: No Take-Backs on Gifts! 💡

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😅 Dodged a Bullet: Glad I Asked Before Acting! 🙌

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🤦‍♂️ Oops, My Bad: Clearing Up the Confusion 😳

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✊ Consent is Key: I'm on Board, I Swear! 🙏

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🤝 Respecting Boundaries: I Got the Message Loud & Clear 📢

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🚨 The Earring Dilemma: To Ask or Not to Ask? 🤔💍

Well, well, well... looks like our newly single friend is in quite the pickle! 😅🥒 After a seemingly smooth breakup exchange, they noticed their ex kept a pair of expensive earrings they'd gifted her. 😱💎 Now, they're wondering if it's cool to ask for them back or if that's a major faux pas. 🙊 But wait, there's more! Our protagonist also thought giving back gifts was like deleting nudes post-breakup - a given! 🤳🚫 Oopsie! Looks like they've got some learning to do. 📚 Let's see what the internet has to say about this juicy dilemma! 🌐👀

Internet calls out person for demanding gift back. 😩

Obstacle616 | Obstacle616

Refreshing to see OP take advice 👍

EggandSpoon42 | EggandSpoon42

Comparing earrings to nudes? Not the same. YTA 😠

Brain_Candid | Brain_Candid

Taking back gifts? YTA. Prepare for a tongue-lashing 😠

stephanieb93 | stephanieb93

Keep the gifts she gave you! You're not the a-hole 👍

ultraviolentfetus | ultraviolentfetus

Gift vs Engagement Ring Debate Gets Heated

Liss78 | Liss78

User calls out inappropriate behavior in a breakup, YTA confirmed 🤨

falkorthe | falkorthe

Don't mess with gifts 🎁, YTA got what they deserved 😤

Funny_Jellyfish5632 | Funny_Jellyfish5632

Expensive gift, major a**hole move to ask for it back 😑

hattifie | hattifie

A clear distinction between possessions and gifts - reasonable NTA.

Y_ddraig_gwyn | Y_ddraig_gwyn

Giving back a gift doesn't obligate her to do the same 💍

Sea-Mud5386 | Sea-Mud5386

Returning a gift? YTA and it's hurtful. 🤢

Sudden-Eggplant8065 | Sudden-Eggplant8065

Engagement ring vs other jewelry debate gets heated 🤯

redfishie | redfishie

Internet warns against demanding gifts back after a breakup 😱

Zausted | Zausted

Internet slams person demanding gift back after breakup 🤯

musical_spork | musical_spork

Debate over returning gifts in a breakup heats up 🤔

MistysTogekiss | MistysTogekiss

Keeping gifts after a breakup: YTA or not? 🤔

Electrical-Ad-1798 | Electrical-Ad-1798

Internet calls out demand to return gifts with YTA comment

Rumpelteazer45 | Rumpelteazer45

The return of the anniversary gift sparks questions 🤔

MudAdvanced4355 | MudAdvanced4355

Keep the gift or return it? Commenter explains gift etiquette.

Vena_Mala | Vena_Mala

Can't ask for a gift back, YTA 🚫🎁

konan_velociraptor92 | konan_velociraptor92

Gift etiquette in relationships: To return or not to return?

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Positive comment with supportive tone. Good luck 👍

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Redditors debate whether it's okay to ask for gifts back. 🤔

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Gift or Borrowed? Internet debates over breakup demand 🤔

phunkydroid | phunkydroid

Debate on gifting ethics: NTA to ask, YTA to expect.

Kimmm711 | Kimmm711

Breakup over household items? YTA, but we feel you 💔🏠

penguinpickler | penguinpickler

Gifts without strings attached - internet agrees 👍

Classy_Clover | Classy_Clover

Giving a gift doesn't come with conditions. YWBTA if you demand it back. 🙅

Nightingur | Nightingur

Properly understanding dating norms is key 🤔

Alison-Chains | Alison-Chains

Deleting nudes vs returning gifts: not even close 😑

SpawnOfTheBeast | SpawnOfTheBeast

Keeping ex's things: YTA according to this commenter 😠

DigitalPillow | DigitalPillow

Gifts in breakups are not refundable, YWBTA 😑

Siren04200 | Siren04200

Is it ever okay to ask for a gift back? 🤔

Pioppo- | Pioppo-

Don't be tacky! YTA for asking for gifts back. 🚫

Mazzidazs | Mazzidazs

Don't demand back regular gifts especially earrings, YTA. 🤨

VisualCelery | VisualCelery

Maturity wins, unlike asking for it back. 😎

DisgruntledDiggit | DisgruntledDiggit

Divorcee defends keeping gifts, calls out comparison to nudes 🤭

Thechellbob | Thechellbob

Gifts returned after breakup: petty or practical? 😕

Firethatshitstarter | Firethatshitstarter

Be careful gifting ex's jewelry to future partners 😉

waterfireandstones | waterfireandstones

Once given, gifts don't belong to you. 💍🎁

Winter-eyed | Winter-eyed

Redditor criticized for expecting gifts back after breakup 🤷

blackbeltninjamom | blackbeltninjamom

Hilarious exchange of sassy comments and OP responses. 😂

Influence-Background | Influence-Background

User explains protocol for returning engagement and wedding rings.

Amarangel | Amarangel

YTA receives backlash for demanding gift back.

angeluscado | angeluscado

Philosophy of "is this the hill I want to die on?" saves grief 🙌

puppummm | puppummm

Ex returns gifts and things she bought, internet fumes 😠

AngryLesbianMafia | AngryLesbianMafia

Internet calls out OP for wanting gift back after breakup 🤡

xavii117 | xavii117

Internet divided over taking back gifts in breakups 😕

Syleches | Syleches

Gifts are gifts, asking for them back is a dick move 😒

ShushImAtWork | ShushImAtWork

Gifts given are not yours to take back. YWBTA 🙄

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OP asks if they WIBTA for demanding gift back. Commenter advises against it.

throwaway77217378 | throwaway77217378

Defending someone from harsh comments 🙏

straberries_n_cream | straberries_n_cream

NTA for not returning relationship gift mistaken for engagement ring 👍

Cbar8383 | Cbar8383

Comparing returning gifts to deleting nudes? 🤔 Nope, not the same.

-too-hot-to-handle- | -too-hot-to-handle-

Returning a gift after a breakup: YTA or NAH? 🤔

SevereAd1962 | SevereAd1962

Heartwarming exchange between OP and commenter ❤

FishingWorth3068 | FishingWorth3068

Gifts are gifts, not obligations. Internet fumes over breakup demand 😠

2ndcupofcoffee | 2ndcupofcoffee

Regifting earrings is a big no-no 😓

MsArduenna | MsArduenna

Gifts are gifts, don't be an a**hole and ask back 😒

Ariaerisis | Ariaerisis

User receives backlash for controversial gift demand 🤯

HexStarlight | HexStarlight

Learning from breakups is important 😌👍

that_greenmind | that_greenmind

When it comes to gifts, takebacks are a NO NO 😒

jenesuisunefemme | jenesuisunefemme

Receiving a gift with conditions isn't really a gift 👍

PennykettleDragons | PennykettleDragons

User asks for more context and gives reasonable advice 👍

joelio69 | joelio69

Regifting presents to future gf? 🤔 Awkward breakup aftermath.

Dress-Royal | Dress-Royal

Return policy after breakups, NTA gets thumbs up 👍

username04682 | username04682

Understanding etiquette: engagement rings and cultural differences 💍

Maelstrom_Witch | Maelstrom_Witch

User thinks OP would be the a**hole for demanding gifts back 💍

thejexorcist | thejexorcist

Gifts are gifts, except for rare break-up cases 😞

stiletto929 | stiletto929

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