Pregnant Stepdaughter DEVASTATED By Stepmom's "CRUEL" Choice With Surprise Windfall 💸🤰😢

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Diply | Diply

🎉 Well, well, well... Buckle up, folks, because have I got a story for you! 😲 Imagine entering a raffle on a whim and BAM! 💥 You win a whole dang house! 🏠 That's exactly what happened to yours truly. 🙋‍♀️ But as with any juicy tale, there's always a twist... and in this case, it involves a heavily pregnant stepdaughter who's suddenly very interested in dear old stepmom's windfall. 🤰💰 Grab some popcorn, settle in, and let's dive into this family drama! 🍿🎭

🎉 Surprise Windfall: I Won a House! 🏠

quiet_wife_ | quiet_wife_

🎟️ A Couple Quid Turned into a Dream Come True 💭

quiet_wife_ | quiet_wife_

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family Matters: Wanting to Help My Loved Ones 💕

quiet_wife_ | quiet_wife_

👶 Stepdaughter's Situation: A Precarious Position 😟

quiet_wife_ | quiet_wife_

🏠 Shacking Up with a Questionable Beau 🤔

quiet_wife_ | quiet_wife_

👩‍👧 Stepdaughter Blues: Trying to Connect Despite Resentment 😔

quiet_wife_ | quiet_wife_

🎁 Gifting the House to My Deserving Siblings 🏠❤️

quiet_wife_ | quiet_wife_

🌆 Escaping the Rough Streets of London 🏙️

quiet_wife_ | quiet_wife_

🏡 No Plans to Move or Sell... For Now 🤷‍♀️

quiet_wife_ | quiet_wife_

🤰 Empathy for Stepdaughter's Struggles, But... 😕

quiet_wife_ | quiet_wife_

📞 Surprise Call: Stepdaughter Wants to Move In! 😲

quiet_wife_ | quiet_wife_

🙅‍♀️ Sorry, Stepdaughter... No House for You! 🏠

quiet_wife_ | quiet_wife_

🔥 Heated Conversation Leads to Tears 😢

quiet_wife_ | quiet_wife_

😤 Frustrated and Bitter: Feeling Used 😒

quiet_wife_ | quiet_wife_

🦶 Digging My Heels In: Not Backing Down! 😤

quiet_wife_ | quiet_wife_

🏠 Family Feud: Who Deserves the Dream House? 🤔

So, here's the tea: 🍵 I won a house in Wales, and I want to gift it to my younger siblings who've had a rough go of it. 🎁 But my stepdaughter, who's pregnant and in a tight spot, is suddenly all buddy-buddy with me and wants the house for herself! 🤰🏠 Cue the waterworks and guilt trips from her and my husband. 😢 But I'm standing my ground! 💪 I mean, where was all this love when I was trying to connect with her before? 🤷‍♀️ Now that I've got something she wants, it's all 'oh hi Lesley, how are you?' 😒 Nuh-uh, honey. Not falling for that! 🙅‍♀️ Let's see what the internet has to say about this juicy family drama... 🌐💬

Skepticism towards spouse, but NTA and smart solution 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Firmly saying no to entitled stepdaughter. NTA. 👍

SammyLoops1 | SammyLoops1

NTA. House spoken for, need serious talk with husband 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Husband problem, not stepdaughter problem. Stay strong, NTA 👏

slboml | slboml

Stand strong, it's your decision. Remind him of your plan. 💪

Nebsy_Websy | Nebsy_Websy

Stepmother with MH issues pregnant and demanding, NTA.

laughingsbetter | laughingsbetter

Generous gesture to siblings, husband and stepdaughter are AHs

TypicalManagement680 | TypicalManagement680

Husband's spineless behavior questioned by commenter, MH acronym confusion.

DazedandConfused8406 | DazedandConfused8406

Stand strong and give the house to your siblings! 💪🏻

luvbug33 | luvbug33

NTA prioritizes siblings, suggests official rent agreement. Stepdaughter's move questioned.

Doughchild | Doughchild

Suggests a potential solution for entitled stepdaughter's housing situation. 🏠

[deleted] | [deleted]

Stepmom chooses deserving kids over entitled stepdaughter. NTA 💯


Sibling rivalry over inheritance sparks NTA comment

Speedywins | Speedywins

Stepmom not the a**hole for sticking to plan, needs talk

Decent_Ad6389 | Decent_Ad6389

Protect your assets, help your siblings, NTA 👍

mfruitfly | mfruitfly

Stepdaughter misinformed, NTA for choosing rightful house beneficiaries 👍

PolitePineapple | PolitePineapple

NTA stands their ground against entitled stepdaughter and her parents.

Nomegusta111 | Nomegusta111

Choosing a grateful and responsible caretaker for your house 👨‍🍳

Hinsan2 | Hinsan2

Stepdaughter not entitled to house, NTA. Seek legal advice 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Stepmom stands firm on decision despite backlash from stepdaughter

MommaLegend | MommaLegend

Protecting family legacy: NTA stepmom stands up against entitled stepdaughter.

loudesttown | loudesttown

User suspects stepdaughter's phone call was a set-up. NTA.

RusticTroglodyte | RusticTroglodyte

Don't let entitled family guilt you out of your success! 💪

Notreallypolitical | Notreallypolitical

Stepmom stands up to entitled pregnant stepdaughter with surprise windfall 💸

[deleted] | [deleted]

Rent out the house to siblings for €1 to avoid drama 👍

RyotsGurl | RyotsGurl

Skeptical of stepdaughter's entitlement, advises not to give in. NTA 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Missed opportunity: commenter wishes they entered house raffle 😱🏠

amyt242 | amyt242

Wise advice for preserving a valuable asset. NTA 👍

throwaway23er56uz | throwaway23er56uz

Stepdaughter asks to move in after not speaking, NTA.

Dana07620 | Dana07620

Stick to original plan, stepdaughter not entitled to house. NTA.

klcampy2244 | klcampy2244

Being kind with the house is a wonderful move! NTA 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Stepdaughter wants house, makes no contact, expects entitlement. NTA.

Yeniary | Yeniary

Keep the house, rent it to family for less if needed 💰

90sLady | 90sLady

Stepmom stands her ground against manipulative stepdaughter. NTA.

ShadyBookDealer | ShadyBookDealer

Keep the windfall as a nest egg in your name 🤘

thrilling_me_softly | thrilling_me_softly

Stepmom rightfully chooses siblings over stepdaughter for windfall 💵

StormingBlitz91 | StormingBlitz91

Stepmom's stepdaughter demands windfall, NTA refuses, husband sides with daughter 🤷‍♀️

nova9001 | nova9001

Don't give in! Siblings can rent it from you. #NTA 💪

da_throwawayaccountt | da_throwawayaccountt

Don't back down, stand your ground. 💪🏼

InYourBabyLife | InYourBabyLife

Brit defends stepmom's decision to not give surprise windfall to stepdaughter

Neither_March4000 | Neither_March4000

Sibling rivalry and pregnancy collide in ruthless comment section.

shesavillain | shesavillain

Gift the windfall to siblings, not stepdaughter. NTA 👏

seba_make | seba_make

Stepmom justified in decision, stepdaughter still resentful. 🙄

KatieL6547 | KatieL6547

No sympathy for entitled stepdaughter, give to those in need.

GreatOneLiners | GreatOneLiners

Stand firm and say NO to entitled stepdaughter and spouse. 💪

MamaFen | MamaFen

Husband changed tune and begged for the house: commentator NTA

StainlessHinge | StainlessHinge

Stepdaughter doesn't want you in her life but wants your house? NTA, keep it and rent it to family at a reduced rate. 💁‍♀️🏠

krazy-krysy | krazy-krysy

Take control of your own house and ignore the stepmom!

Grelymolycremp | Grelymolycremp

Protect your boundaries and stand up for yourself! 💪🏼

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supportive comment defends stepdaughter's stepmom's choice with humor.

Illustrious-Band-537 | Illustrious-Band-537

NTA suggests leasing the house for 100 years at tax rate.

bdayqueen | bdayqueen

Set up leasing agreement with siblings to avoid drama. NTA.

CompetitiveLecture5 | CompetitiveLecture5

No obligation to give her the house, she made her choice 😔

cuteandfluffystuffs | cuteandfluffystuffs

Don't let husband ruin your good decision. Keep the house.

SprSnkySnickerdoodle | SprSnkySnickerdoodle

Stepmom denies stepdaughter's entitlement to her property. NTA.

MikkiTh | MikkiTh

Stick to the plan. Giving her the house is risky 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Stepfather plays favorites, stepdaughter not resentful, NTA for OP.

ghostiecatlol | ghostiecatlol

Protect yourself legally and financially before gifting/selling the property. NTA

Munchkinpea | Munchkinpea

OP advised to seek legal advice before selling property. NTA.

Here_for_tea_ | Here_for_tea_

Stepmom's windfall sparks family dispute over asset distribution 💸

Laughorcryliveordie | Laughorcryliveordie

Stepmom stands her ground and is NTA, according to comment.

SnowWhiteCampCat | SnowWhiteCampCat

Take control of your gift and don't let entitled behavior win. 💪

DarkVikingMermaid | DarkVikingMermaid

Insensitive comment suggests selling house and leaving stepdaughter behind.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Reconsider the marriage, this is not a man worth keeping 💔

squidinosaur | squidinosaur

NTA. Commenter suggests leasing house to stepdaughter and father. 💰

Gorgenon | Gorgenon

Owning a house doesn't mean you owe anyone anything 💁‍♀️

rendhorn | rendhorn

Stepmom not obligated to satisfy manipulative stepdaughter. NTA 👍

scallen2011 | scallen2011

Generous stepmom not obligated to give stepdaughter money. NTA.

scandic2020 | scandic2020

Stick to the agreement and help siblings with affordable rent. NTA 👍

thedreadedaw | thedreadedaw

Sage advice given to OP on property ownership dispute.

poisonwhiskeyybabe | poisonwhiskeyybabe

Stepmom faces criticism for not giving windfall to stepdaughter

Kettlewise | Kettlewise

Stepmom tries to take advantage of lottery win. NTA advice.

666POD | 666POD

Stepdaughter wants house, but NTA says keep it in family 👍

Flippn_Freddy | Flippn_Freddy

Creative solution to stepdaughter's financial problem 👍

bewheezy | bewheezy

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