Woman Upgrades Her Deck Using Scrapbook Paper And Mod Podge

One of the best things about owning your home is doing absolutely anything you want to it.

Some people paint their fences rainbows, while others turn their homes into art pieces. For Camille McDonald, her home became a scrapbook — and you won't believe what she used to do it!

I bet you've never seen this before!

Meet Camille's sunroom! This screened-in porch was made with wood that was leftover from her property's old barn. The floor was pretty mismatched, so she decided to lean into it!

She had a ton of old fabric laying around.

So she decided to use that to decorate the sunroom! Using mod podge, Camille coated small sections of the floor and laid down each piece of fabric.

Mod podge dries fast, so coating the floor all at once was not an option.

Camille took her time laying the floor out. She even layered different fabrics on top of each other to give the whole thing a collage-type effect!

Fabric wasn't the only thing she added, however.

She also laid down stickers from her favorite companies for one section of the floor!

For the other, she collected maps and antiqued them to look a little worn.

She even added some metallic flair!

She cut out gold foil lips and laid them down on one piece. I love that she used so many different colors and textures on the floor, but that none of them clash. It all works so well together.

The whole thing was then sealed.

She used polyurethane to seal the deck and make sure the floors would stand the test of time. Epoxy would also work well here!

So, what do you think? Would you make a collage floor in your home?