He KILLED Her Beloved Garden After She FORBID Him From Using Chemicals 😠

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🌿😱 Buckle up, folks, because we've got a dandelion drama that's about to blow your mind! 🤯 Meet our green-thumbed gal (28) and her dandelion-despising dude (32) who are in a bit of a pickle over some pesky weeds and a secret spraying mission gone wrong! 🙊 She's all about those pollinators, but he's got a serious case of the dandelion blues. 🌼🚫 Will their love survive this botanical battle, or will their garden (and relationship) wither away? 🍓💔 Let's dive into this wild weed tale and find out! 👀

🌿🚫 The Dandelion Debacle: A Couple's Clash Over Weed Killer! 😱

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🌼 The Great Dandelion Debate: He Hates 'Em, She Tolerates 'Em! 🤔

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🙅‍♀️ She Put Her Foot Down: NO Weed Killer Allowed! 🚫

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😞 Stressed BF, Sad GF: The Silent Treatment Ensues 🤐

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🍓 The Garden Massacre: Strawberries, Cilantro, and Tomatoes All Perish! 😭

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🤥 The Audacity: He Lies About the Garden Spraying! 😠

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🙄 A Half-Baked Apology: New Strawberries Don't Cut It! 🍓

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🤷‍♂️ He Thinks She's Overreacting: New Strawberries Should Fix Everything! 🤦‍♀️

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🏡 Home Ownership Deets: They Both Own the Place! 🔧

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🌿😷 Yard Work Woes: He's Allergic, She's in Charge! 🌻

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🌼🆚🧪 The Final Verdict: His Dandelion Disdain vs. Her Chemical-Free Stance! 🤔

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The Dandelion Debacle: A Couple's Clash Over Weed Killer! 😱

Our nature-loving lady made it crystal clear that she wanted a chemical-free yard, but her sneaky BF went behind her back and unleashed the weed killer, taking out her precious garden in the process! He tried to smooth things over with the promise of new strawberries, but something tells us that ain't gonna cut it. 🙄 The internet has some thoughts on this botanical betrayal, and you won't believe what they have to say!

Gardener learns the hard way that chemicals kill everything 🌱☠️

BlueMoon5k | BlueMoon5k

BF disrespects OP's request to not use chemicals in garden 😠

DLCMotroni | DLCMotroni

NTA calls out gardener's 'stupid crummy thing' to kill dandelions 🤬

TamWings | TamWings

Suspicious motives behind garden spraying? NTA, but something's off 🤔

friendly_cub | friendly_cub

Partner disregards boundaries, ruins garden. NTA, break up worthy. 😠

panic_bread | panic_bread

OP sets boundary, boyfriend crosses it. NTA 🚩

geishabird | geishabird

Replacing the garden he killed? He dug his own hole. 🌱

mdthomas | mdthomas

Partner disrespected boundaries, lied and disregarded feelings. Not cool. 😠

Ok_Ganache4842 | Ok_Ganache4842

Setting Boundaries: When to say enough is enough. 🛑

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Eco-friendly gardening tips for a weed-free garden 🌱

triggerhappymidget | triggerhappymidget

Gardening love turns into murder plot after chemical chaos. 🌱

indianchick30 | indianchick30

User offers support and resources to OP for potential emotional abuse 💕

AuntyErrma | AuntyErrma

Green thumb vs. Chemicals: Partner's stubbornness destroys garden 🌱💀

IHateKoalas1 | IHateKoalas1

Reader wants TA to get revenge on garden-killing partner 😈🌱

Neither-Amphibian794 | Neither-Amphibian794

Boyfriend lied about chemicals, NTA for valuing dandelions over grass 🌱

sunny_is_a_dog | sunny_is_a_dog

Hilarious comment on a man killing a garden despite warning 🤣

TheMobyDicks | TheMobyDicks

Using weed killer near plants can be toxic to consume. NTA.

diskebbin | diskebbin

Is honesty and respect too much to ask for? 😑

geven87 | geven87

A helpful tip on dandelions improving the soil and lawn 🌱

drmelle0 | drmelle0

Using weed killer can be harmful, NTA for banning it.

edemamandllama | edemamandllama

Chemicals in gardens are highly toxic to people and environment 😱

No_War_4429 | No_War_4429

Respectful gardener vs. chemical-loving boyfriend. NTA wins 🌱

tb13901 | tb13901

Boyfriend sprays herbicide on girlfriend's vegetable garden. NTA. 😱

He_Who_Is_Right_ | He_Who_Is_Right_

Empathetic commenter sympathizes with gardener, calls out boyfriend's actions. ❤️

confused-girly | confused-girly

NTA. There are better ways to deal with weeds. 🌱🙅‍♀️

pdeb22 | pdeb22

Partner's betrayal of trust over garden sparks NTA response 😠

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Boyfriend sprays weed killer on vegetable garden. NTA calls him TA 😠

ArceusDamnIt | ArceusDamnIt

Partner's disregard for happiness, NTA for putting foot down 😍

AsherTheFrost | AsherTheFrost

NTA commenter warns against trusting deceitful partners with your property 😖

ClockWeasel | ClockWeasel

Partner ignores wishes, lies, and destroys garden: re-evaluate relationship. 🤷‍♀️

DiTrastevere | DiTrastevere

Weeding by hand would have saved the garden. NTA wins!

Enough-Builder-2230 | Enough-Builder-2230

Red flags galore! 🚩🚩🚩

SoupNo682 | SoupNo682

BF killed her garden, commenter would leave if in her place 😡🌱

DandelionOfDeath | DandelionOfDeath

Curious about his behavior? Reader is nuclear angry 😠

wanderleywagon5678 | wanderleywagon5678

Red flags were raised in this toxic relationship 😠

trunksshinohara | trunksshinohara

Partner disrespected boundaries, destroyed garden, and lied about it. Reconsider.

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Angry commenter jokes about pepper spray and bone fertilizer.

angels-and-insects | angels-and-insects

Dealing with a lazy partner? NTA for putting your foot down 😊

lilyofthevalley2659 | lilyofthevalley2659

Suggests petty revenge with dandelion seeds, but warns against it.

ApprehensivePause258 | ApprehensivePause258

NTA. Using weed killer on an edible garden? Ridiculous 😠

chocearthling | chocearthling

Chemical-free gardening is the way to go 🌱🚫 Your anger is justified.

dragonvpm | dragonvpm

Allergic husband ruins garden, NTA for being upset 😠

Syrinx221 | Syrinx221

Father's excessive lawn care and lying behavior discussed. NTA verdict.

slendermanismydad | slendermanismydad

NTA upset over garden, bee friendly dandelions, sprayed ground recovery?

Substantial_Shoe_360 | Substantial_Shoe_360

Spouse ruined garden despite ban on chemicals. Marriage in jeopardy. 😢

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Partner deliberately destroys garden against wishes 😠

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NTA Garden Betrayal: When the truth comes out 🤷‍♀️

NowWithMoreChocolate | NowWithMoreChocolate

Gardening gone wrong! NTA takes revenge on toxic boyfriend 🌱

JennieGee | JennieGee

Natural gardening advocate shares experience with destructive partner.

Beginning_Chapter777 | Beginning_Chapter777

Struggling with weeds? Commenter asks what weed killer to use

SifferBTW | SifferBTW

Garden conflict! 🌼🤨 NTA stands firm against chemical use.

pl487 | pl487

Betrayed gardener expresses anger and distrust towards partner's actions 😠

TTFAA2020 | TTFAA2020

A commenter suggests dandelions as revenge for killing the garden 😂

Historical-Limit8438 | Historical-Limit8438

User calls out OP for tying herself financially to incompatible partner.

InternationalKick126 | InternationalKick126

A heartbreaking betrayal of trust and lack of respect 😢

Job_Moist | Job_Moist

Partner ignores 'no chemicals' rule, ruins garden, and is lazy 🤦‍♀️

bettytomatoes | bettytomatoes

NTA commenter defends the importance of natural yards and respecting boundaries.

theslothcollective | theslothcollective

Strawberry sabotage! 🍓🌱 NTA for being angry about it.

maktub__ | maktub__

NTA suggests using boiling water to kill weeds instead of chemicals 👍

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Chemicals are a no go! NTA garden owner stands her ground

SaboraHoku | SaboraHoku

Leaving seems like the best option. Not worth the toxicity.💀

calystarose | calystarose

A neutral comment calling for better communication and resolution skills.

ZealousEar775 | ZealousEar775

Buying a house with just a boyfriend 🤔 NTA for being upset

JCBashBash | JCBashBash

Gardening enthusiasts unite! Try making dandelion honey for a change 🌼🍯

Joecool77 | Joecool77

NTA. Boyfriend is both an a**hole and an idiot 😠

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Gardener calls out the boyfriend for being a 'dumbass' 🤯

Damn_el_Torpedoes | Damn_el_Torpedoes

Amusing comment, but no replies to add to the humor.

MotherTeresaOnlyfans | MotherTeresaOnlyfans

Pulling dandelions is free and healthy 🌼 NTA's spouse went behind their back and caused damage. Find an equivalent hobby to explain the gravity of the situation 💀

merflie | merflie

Uprooting the weeds or the relationship? NTA wins.

PuzzleheadedAd6318 | PuzzleheadedAd6318

Boiling water as pesticide, and emotionally immature boyfriend. NTA.

pillowforts5ever | pillowforts5ever

NTA depends on the context of the situation and communication 🤔

ANALizethispease | ANALizethispease

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