Coworker ATTACKS Woman's 'Modest' Fashion Choices! 👗😠

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Diply | Diply

🚨 Fashion face-off alert! 🚨 Meet our modest maven, a 35-year-old woman who's navigating the tricky waters of dressing for comfort in a male-dominated industry. 💼 She's got a mix of "feminine" and "masculine" hobbies, but when it comes to work attire, she keeps it covered and cozy. 🧶 Enter: the fashionista coworker who's all about embracing her femininity with chic, revealing outfits. 💃 When a lunchtime shopping sesh turns into a fashion intervention, our modest heroine finds herself in a sticky situation. 😳 Did she cross the line by admitting her preference for modesty? 🤔 Let's dive into this workplace wardrobe drama! 👗

🙋‍♀️ Modesty vs. Femininity: A Workplace Dilemma 💼

healthy-working | healthy-working

👚 Dressing for Comfort, Not to Be 'One of the Guys' 👖

healthy-working | healthy-working

☀️ Keeping It Cool & Covered in the Summer Heat 😎

healthy-working | healthy-working

💃 Enter: The Fashionista Coworker 👠

healthy-working | healthy-working

🛍️ Lunchtime Shopping Turns into Fashion Intervention 🤔

healthy-working | healthy-working

😳 Backed into a Corner: Admitting to Modesty Preferences 🙊

healthy-working | healthy-working

🤝 Live and Let Live: Respecting Each Other's Fashion Choices 👗

healthy-working | healthy-working

😲 Accused of 'Shaming' Women in Male-Dominated Industry 🚫

healthy-working | healthy-working

🤷‍♀️ AITA for Sticking to My Modest Style? 🙏

healthy-working | healthy-working

Modesty vs. Femininity: A Workplace Fashion Feud

Our modest maven found herself in a fashion face-off with her chic coworker who accused her of "shaming" women for embracing their femininity in a male-dominated industry. Despite explaining that she simply dresses for her comfort, the fashionista gave her the cold shoulder. Now, our heroine is left wondering if she's the a-hole for sticking to her modest style. It's a classic case of personal preference vs. workplace expectations, with a side of drama and hurt feelings. So, what does the internet think? Is our modest maven in the wrong for not conforming to her coworker's fashion standards? Or is the fashionista out of line for pushing her style on someone else? Let's see what the masses have to say about this juicy workplace wardrobe dilemma!.

Stand up for your fashion choices, NTA 🙌

stunning-stasis | stunning-stasis

Modesty vs. Provocativeness: NAH and Offense Taken

smithjojo99 | smithjojo99

Debating the societal connotations of 'modest' fashion choices. 🤔

Alternative_Answer | Alternative_Answer

Wear what makes you comfortable and forget the haters 👊

memapski | memapski

Asserting preference for modest clothes, not shaming. NTA 👍

Cylem234 | Cylem234

Respect women's right to choose their clothing 👗👏

bliznitch | bliznitch

Different styles, but both professional and cute! NAH here.

rachelina | rachelina

A comment about 'modest' fashion choices sparks a heated debate.

PetticoatRule | PetticoatRule

Misunderstood intentions lead to coworker conflict. NTA.

teke367 | teke367

Respectful comment defends personal fashion choice and boundaries. 🙌

glom4ever | glom4ever

The word 'modest' is loaded, so it's NAH.

musiclovingcat | musiclovingcat

Dress to your comfort level within dress code. NTA 👏

AniMayhem125 | AniMayhem125

Supportive colleague understands need for acceptance in male-dominated environment. 👏

tamsui_tosspot | tamsui_tosspot

Friendly or pushy? Commenter calls out OP's judgmental behavior. 😬

wafflesforprez | wafflesforprez

Defending fashion choices, NTA called 'dramatic' by offended coworker.

BriBriKinz | BriBriKinz

Respectful fashion choices without body shaming 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Using 'modest' may offend, but coworker was definitely wrong 👍

DungeonsAndDirges | DungeonsAndDirges

Don't dress to impress coworkers! NTA for standing up 👍

candiedapplecrisp | candiedapplecrisp

Don't shame your coworker's fashion choices. YTA for slut-shaming.

fuyukihana | fuyukihana

Torn between NTA and NAH. Apologize, explain, and gain a friend? 👍

whatthewhythehow | whatthewhythehow

User calls out OP for being judgmental and archaic. 🤔

oneyaebyonty | oneyaebyonty

Pushy coworker gets put in place for criticizing outfit 👌

[deleted] | [deleted]

Asserting fashion choice boundaries. Respectful NTA response.

k2dadub | k2dadub

Navigating gender norms in the workplace and fashion choices. 🤔

TotalSeaworthiness6 | TotalSeaworthiness6

Empowering response to unsolicited fashion advice. #NTA 💪

SouthernMarylander | SouthernMarylander

Modestly vs. conservatively: the judgemental connotation explained 🤔

fruskydekke | fruskydekke

Using the word 'modest' was a mistake, but boundaries matter.

burgundyink | burgundyink

Apologize for coming off judgy. Explain attire preference calmly 😊

Fr0stZero | Fr0stZero

Fashion advice or modesty debate? YTA misses the point. 🤔

cornycatlady | cornycatlady

Dress how you want without judgment. Femininity isn't in clothes. 👚

ohmarlasinger | ohmarlasinger

Being judgmental about coworker's appearance makes you slightly YTA 👎

lianalili | lianalili

Empathetic comment supports fashion choices and dismisses coworker's opinion.


Comfort over fashion! NAH dislikes 'modest' label, prefers jeans.

melodypowers | melodypowers

A comment calling out judgemental behavior regarding fashion choices. YTA.

jameane | jameane

Redditor calls out comment's 'modest vs slutty' judgement, YTA.

Overlord1317 | Overlord1317

Dress modestly, look great, feel comfortable. NTA, just ignore her. 👌

TX_Farmer | TX_Farmer

NTA, but coworker needs to mind their own business 👍

iamkhmer | iamkhmer

Stand up for yourself and your fashion choices! 💁🏻‍♀️

avicioustradition | avicioustradition

Fashion shaming? NTA for standing up for your choices 👏

GothPenguin | GothPenguin

NTA but have an elevator speech ready for fashion choices 👞

gianacakos | gianacakos

Coworker tries to change woman's fashion, gets shut down. NTA 👏

avast2006 | avast2006

Female coworker tries to connect inappropriately. Both at fault 🙅�\dffc

solnaughty | solnaughty

YTA for implying a value judgement on her dressing style 🤔

whiskeyearz | whiskeyearz

Navigating office fashion can be tricky, but this commenter has tips 👖

SomebodyToldMe113 | SomebodyToldMe113

Assertive response shuts down fashion critic at work. NTA.

ihateusernamecreates | ihateusernamecreates

Polite ESH exchange over coworker's fashion choices. 👗

011101000011101101 | 011101000011101101

Woman defends 'modest' outfit, gets support for femininity. 👗

[deleted] | [deleted]

Navigating dress code at work can be tricky 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Fashion lover explains why coworker is YTA for misunderstanding.

Alsbrid | Alsbrid

NAH situation with leaning towards NTA due to coworker pushing.

MrCrowbarMeek | MrCrowbarMeek

Fashion police at work, but is it really necessary? ESH

[deleted] | [deleted]

Misunderstanding over fashion choices, clarify respect and move forward. 😊

CaptDeliciousPants | CaptDeliciousPants

Wear what makes you comfortable and forget the haters! ✨

BroadElderberry | BroadElderberry

Navigating delicate coworker dynamics after fashion disagreement. 💼💁

explodingwhale17 | explodingwhale17

Describing clothes instead of using 'modest' to avoid confusion. NAH

LemonCucumbers | LemonCucumbers

NAH. Discussion on the nuances of fashion choices and language.

happydactyl31 | happydactyl31

Respectful response to coworker's criticism of modest fashion choices. 👗

sequinedbow | sequinedbow

Female fashion choices judged as 'immodest' by coworker. 🤦‍♀️

mollyfran | mollyfran

Be mindful of your wording when expressing fashion preferences. 👗

IncognitoMagnifico | IncognitoMagnifico

Both parties could have handled it better. ESH 😕

[deleted] | [deleted]

Navigating gender norms in the workplace, NAH offers perspective 👍

valimars | valimars

Compliment her style and smooth things over 😊

fake_red13 | fake_red13

Pushy coworker gets called out for criticizing fashion choices. ESH.

HalbeardTheHermit | HalbeardTheHermit

Respectful disagreement on fashion choice, NAH 🤝

NoApollonia | NoApollonia

Navigating the complexities of modesty - NTA or NAH? 🤔

desgoestoparis | desgoestoparis

Misunderstanding resolved with helpful communication tips. NAH.

snoozebuttonkiller | snoozebuttonkiller

Engaging discussion on the difference between 'modest' and 'conservative' fashion.

brainadmage | brainadmage

A woman receives an apology for a fashion misunderstanding 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sincere apology might help clear the air 👍

CandleQueen90 | CandleQueen90

Offer an olive branch with a gift and a kind note! 💛

FluffyOwl30 | FluffyOwl30

Ex-Mormon suggests alternative wording for 'modest' fashion choice. NAH.

insert-smthng-wtty16 | insert-smthng-wtty16

Miscommunication and offense taken, talk it out with colleague 👍

FlamiaTheDemon | FlamiaTheDemon

Misunderstanding leads to awkward coworker bonding gone wrong 😔

tinycommunist | tinycommunist

Don't mess with someone's style choices while they're shopping 👗

cherposton | cherposton

Choosing the right words is key in a sensitive situation 👍

torikura | torikura

Be true to yourself and don't let anyone dim your shine 💎

hillofjumpingbeans | hillofjumpingbeans

Miscommunication leads to judgmental exchange. ESH 😐

TheGreatNyanHobo | TheGreatNyanHobo

Defending modesty without attacking coworker's choices. Well-said! 👏

strawberries009 | strawberries009

Gamine vs Modest: Aesthetics and Ethics in Fashion Terminology

justsparklinganxiety | justsparklinganxiety

Missed opportunity to connect over fashion choices, try again ✨

bettyboopin | bettyboopin

NTA. Co-worker's fashion advice was tacky. Offer peace with coffee ☕️

melonlollicholypop | melonlollicholypop

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