Entitled Mom TRESPASSES, Lets Kid Use Man's Swing! 😡🚫

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🏡 Buckle up, folks! We've got a juicy neighborhood drama unfolding! 🍿 When a new homeowner discovers a mysterious lady letting her kid play on his swing without permission, things get heated real quick! 🔥 Will our protagonist be able to stand his ground against the entitled mom, or will he be labeled as the grumpy old man of the block? 👴 Let's dive in and find out! 😄

🏡 New Homeowner's Surprise! 😲

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🪑 Crappy Swing Gets an Upgrade! 🛠️

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👀 Mysterious Lady and Kid Appear! 🧒

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🍽️ Dinner Date Leads to Confrontation! 😠

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🗣️ Lady Yells Across the Yard! 📢

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🤬 Entitled Mom Starts an Argument! 🙅‍♀️

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😤 Homeowner Loses His Cool! 🔥

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⚖️ Liability Concerns Explained! 📜

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🙄 Lady Walks Away Dismissively! 🚶‍♀️

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👵 Girlfriend Compares Him to Grumpy Old Man! 😂

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🤔 AITA for Protecting My Property? 🏠

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Entitled Mom vs. Fed-Up Homeowner: Who's in the Right?

We've got ourselves a classic case of neighborhood drama! Our protagonist, the proud new homeowner, finds himself in a sticky situation when an entitled mom lets her kid play on his swing without permission. Things escalate quickly when confronted, with the mom arguing that he should've said something sooner or not had the swing in his yard at all! Our homeowner loses his cool and gives her a piece of his mind, but his girlfriend thinks he could've handled it better. So, what does the internet think? Is our guy an a-hole for protecting his property, or is the entitled mom the real villain here? Let's see what the top responses have to say!

Stranger trespasses, entitlement at its finest. NTA stands firm.

GothHippieQueen | GothHippieQueen

Entitled mom trespasses and lets kid use man's swing, NTA!

pennywhistlesmoonpie | pennywhistlesmoonpie

Next level entitlement from trespassing mom. NTA wins.

Coffey2828 | Coffey2828

Neighbor's entitled behavior is unacceptable, NTA for protecting property.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Neighbor's entitled mom tries to make rules on man's property 😡

MamaKit92 | MamaKit92

A little sign maybe too? NTA wins the day!

BreakfastOk219 | BreakfastOk219

Protecting property and liability - NTA in entitled mom situation. 😡

TheHipReplacement | TheHipReplacement

Entitled mom trespassed, but commenter suggests security camera and being petty.

tapytapyjoyjoy | tapytapyjoyjoy

Protect your property and document the incident 👍

MountainTravel7633 | MountainTravel7633

NTA, but could've been nicer. GF agrees and escalations warned.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Handling entitled neighbors like a pro 👏

Less-Quality6326 | Less-Quality6326

Entitled mom knew she was wrong, NTA for standing up.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Respect and manners matter, NTA for standing up for yourself.

sreno77 | sreno77

Protect your property, entitlement doesn't make it community property. 🙅

whataablunder | whataablunder

Mom trespasses, leaves when caught, NTA sets boundaries politely.

Hippopotasaurus-Rex | Hippopotasaurus-Rex

Well-handled. Entitled mom needs her own swing in her yard 🚫

blueboy754 | blueboy754

Neighbor uses man's swing, he politely asks them not to.

Candid-Jump-8067 | Candid-Jump-8067

OP is not the a**hole for not witnessing the trespassing

[deleted] | [deleted]

Entitled mom knew she was wrong, NTA wins 👏

counting_daisies | counting_daisies

NTA stands firm against entitled mom's trespassing and bad behavior 😡

ObviousToe1636 | ObviousToe1636

Frustrated commenter sympathizes with man and suggests building a fence.

Jovon35 | Jovon35

Respectful neighbor kindly sets boundaries for entitled mom's child 👍

Tmoran835 | Tmoran835

Asserting property rights with a clever solution. NTA wins! 👏

Whaddyameanjellybean | Whaddyameanjellybean

Grumpy old man welcomes fellow member with beer 🍺

TheEliot85 | TheEliot85

Defending property rights and suggesting a door cam for safety.

StrykerC13 | StrykerC13

Dealing with entitled parents and kids on your property 😡

TsukaiSutete1 | TsukaiSutete1

ESH. The commenter suggests anger management therapy for OP.

MariaInconnu | MariaInconnu

Neighbor criticizes OP for being dramatic about entitled mom's trespassing. YTA

amb_weiss69 | amb_weiss69

NTA for informing entitled mom of liability risks. 😊

Guru1971 | Guru1971

Mom trespasses, gets caught, and runs away. NTA wins! 🙌

Bonecup | Bonecup

Stand up for yourself, don't let entitled people walk over you 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Secure your property! NTA suggests building a fence with locks.

Steups13 | Steups13

Respect personal property, NTA's reaction was justified. 👍

randompoint52 | randompoint52

NTA warns against trespassing and kids getting hurt on private property.

kynthrus | kynthrus

NTA and a cautionary tale about liability in similar situations. 🚨

BriarBones | BriarBones

Respect people's property and ask for permission 🙌

Ill_Quantity_5634 | Ill_Quantity_5634

Suggesting revenge on entitled mom for trespassing, NTA verdict.

BeeYehWoo | BeeYehWoo

Entitled mom caught trespassing and gets called out. NTA 👏

MistressFuzzylegs | MistressFuzzylegs

Install home security system and call police if trespassing occurs. 🚨

[deleted] | [deleted]

Old man yells at entitled mom trespassing on his property. NTA.

Scrapper-Mom | Scrapper-Mom

User admits YTA for brushing off girlfriend's concern about swing.

stormtatsu | stormtatsu

Neighbor's revenge on kids: grass hill vs. entitled mom's swing

finitetime2 | finitetime2

Entitled mom trespasses, man suggests camera to prevent future incidents. 😤

Amazing_Ordinary_418 | Amazing_Ordinary_418

Embrace your inner grumpy old man and protect your property. NTA


Different backgrounds can shape our expectations of strangers. 🙂

DoNotEverListenToMe | DoNotEverListenToMe

Entitled mom trespasses and lets kid use man's swing, NTA

Bens_den_of_thoughts | Bens_den_of_thoughts

Caught entitled mom trespassing and letting her kid use swing 👀 NTA

CuteBat9788 | CuteBat9788

Entitled mom caught red-handed, NTA for protecting himself and property. 😊

bellaByrdie | bellaByrdie

Entitled neighbor caught in the act and left embarrassed 😒

Gain-Outrageous | Gain-Outrageous

Swing safety concerns! NTA prioritizes avoiding injury liabilities.

Choebz | Choebz

Hater of entitled parents and kids supports man's actions. 🚫

EnvironmentalEgg7857 | EnvironmentalEgg7857

Polite response to entitled mom's trespassing and solution proposed.

LastRevelation | LastRevelation

American liability law is sad. Even friendly neighbors get punished. 😔

LEANiscrack | LEANiscrack

Respectful old men understand risks, appreciate property. NTA 👍

Fluid-Letterhead7605 | Fluid-Letterhead7605

OP gets called out for ignoring girlfriend's concerns. 🤔

evertonblue | evertonblue

Entitled mom trespassed onto property to use swing set 🤯

Momsters123 | Momsters123

An idea for dealing with entitled people who trespass 🌸🌺

pumainpurple | pumainpurple

Homeowner refuses entitled mom's request to use his swing! 🚫

Capital-Cheesecake67 | Capital-Cheesecake67

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