Stay-at-Home Mom Breaks Promise to Husband for 'Amazing' Job Offer 🍼💔💻

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🍼 Hey there, Facebook fam! 👋 Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of emotions as we dive into the story of a new mom caught between her desire to return to work and her husband's expectations. 😱 This 25-year-old woman is facing a dilemma that many moms can relate to - the struggle to balance personal identity and family responsibilities. 🙍‍♀️ Will her husband understand her need for fulfillment outside of motherhood, or will his traditional views tear their family apart? 💔 Buckle up, because this story is about to get real! 😳

🍼 A New Mom's Dilemma: To Work or Not to Work? 🤔

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🤰 Reluctant Agreement During Pregnancy 😕

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😩 The Struggles of Stay-at-Home Motherhood 😭

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🙍‍♀️ Feeling Lost and Overwhelmed 😞

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⏰ Long, Lonely Hours with a Newborn 😴

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🙌 A Surprising Job Offer 💼

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🎉 Excitement and Hope for a Better Balance 🙏

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😠 Husband's Disapproval and Anger 😡

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💔 Accusations of Abandonment 😢

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😥 Trying to Communicate, but Falling on Deaf Ears 😞

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🥶 The Silent Treatment and Baby-Only Conversations ❄️

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👪 Family Pressure to Prioritize Motherhood 🙍‍♀️

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🍼 Clarifying Childcare Plans 👶

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💕 Committed to Marriage and Family 👨‍👩‍👧

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🚨 A New Mom's Cry for Help: Is She Wrong for Wanting More? 😢

This new mom's world has been turned upside down since the birth of her daughter. 🍼 Despite agreeing to be a stay-at-home mom, she's found herself feeling isolated, overwhelmed, and like she's lost her identity. 😞 When a dream job opportunity comes knocking, she's over the moon! 🌙 But her husband? Not so much. 😠 He accuses her of abandoning their family and threatens to leave. 💔 Now, she's left wondering if she's the a-hole for changing her mind. 🤔 Her in-laws are piling on the pressure, telling her that motherhood should be her top priority. 👪 But is it wrong for her to want more? 🙏 Let's see what the internet has to say about this emotional rollercoaster of a situation! 🎢

Single mom rightfully calls out hypocritical husband for abandoning family.


Breaking gender roles, NTA stands up against sexist husband/family 💪

Ok_Smell_8260 | Ok_Smell_8260

NTA. Husband is a controlling AH who needs to be confronted 👊

nikokazini | nikokazini

Mom criticized for job, husband pouts. NTA suggests child care.

usmc70114 | usmc70114

NTA comment suggests abuse and offers work solution 👍

Rtarara | Rtarara

Woman changes mind about being a SAHM, husband reacts poorly 😒

Tralfamadorians_go | Tralfamadorians_go

Supportive comment, suggests communication and compromise with spouse 👍

byebyelovie | byebyelovie

Changing mind is okay, but husband's silence and counseling needed 👉🏻👨🏻‍💻

CalmFront7908 | CalmFront7908

Encouraging escape from toxic relationship and control 👍

Bitter_Wave3295 | Bitter_Wave3295

OP's decision impacts both her and her daughter's future. 🤔

SnooDucks3584 | SnooDucks3584

Supportive comment, acknowledges husband's behavior as bullying. Encourages seeking help.

personaperplexa | personaperplexa

Part-time work for childcare = discount! NTA 💯

[deleted] | [deleted]

Snarky comment shuts down sexist remark 😏

bubblegum_heike | bubblegum_heike

Choosing career over being a SAHM is okay. 👍

lallaallaallal | lallaallaallal

NTA for changing mind, but husband's behavior may be financial abuse 😑

eatshoney | eatshoney

Don't sacrifice happiness for an idea of the 'perfect' family 👪❤️

Heraonolympia123 | Heraonolympia123

NTA. Take the job and be a happy, fulfilled parent 👏

invomitous-rex | invomitous-rex

Breaking promise to husband for job offer - NTA, stay independent 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Being a parent is not your sole purpose in life. 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Finding yourself in motherhood: supportive comment for stay-at-home mom 💞

lattelane682 | lattelane682

NTA. Husband controlling money, visits, and work is not healthy. Couples therapy needed.

Pessa19 | Pessa19

Supportive comment defends stay-at-home mom's right to pursue happiness ❤️

Mirianda666 | Mirianda666

NTA comment exposes sexism and supports OP 👏

GroovyLlama1 | GroovyLlama1

Red flags everywhere. Husband is controlling, manipulative, and abusive. 🚩

TheBattyWitch | TheBattyWitch

Mother defends her decision to accept job offer. 👊

Careless_Mango | Careless_Mango

Defending OP's actions and calling out husband's abusive behavior. ❌

TwoAgitated1182 | TwoAgitated1182

Defending stay-at-home mom's mental health and calling out absent husband

bzsbal | bzsbal

NTA comment suggests a bleak future for OP's family 😢

[deleted] | [deleted]

Mom faces tough choices, husband needs to step up. ✊🏻

Teamjacob1 | Teamjacob1

Partner's reaction to job offer is a red flag 🍊 Seek help.

liselock | liselock

Empowering advice to take control of life and career 💪

KimmyStand | KimmyStand

Choosing not to be a stay-at-home mom is NTA 👍

awesomeness1234 | awesomeness1234

Supportive comment for stay-at-home mom standing up for herself.

Bakecrazy | Bakecrazy

Husband's controlling behavior revealed in NTA comment. 👮‍🍳

BeautifulNet5373 | BeautifulNet5373

Choosing to work doesn't make you a bad parent. 👍

Crafty-Emotion4230 | Crafty-Emotion4230

Protect your independence and document everything, your husband is controlling. 👍

Silent_Title8453 | Silent_Title8453

Breaking gender roles and prioritizing mental health. 💪

Elephant_homie | Elephant_homie

Working mom empathizes with SAHM and advises her to prioritize herself. ❤

mellie9876 | mellie9876

Mom receives support for job offer despite husband's concerns 👏

itsfrankgrimesyo | itsfrankgrimesyo

Breaking gender roles: NTA for not sticking to outdated agreement 💪

ButteeeOh | ButteeeOh

Single parenting and child support: NTA wins the day 👏

Careful-Self-457 | Careful-Self-457

Gender bias in parenting roles questioned. NTA.

Disneyfreak77 | Disneyfreak77

Questioning the husband's love and intentions 😔

Brittanythestrange | Brittanythestrange

Choosing to work doesn't make you a bad parent 👍. Importance of happiness 🙌 and communication💬 in relationships

MalsPrettyBonnet | MalsPrettyBonnet

Protect your mental health, don't set yourself on fire 💪🏻

Miascircus | Miascircus

Supportive comment defends mom's right to change her mind and criticizes husband's behavior 💪🏼

Miss_Scarlet86 | Miss_Scarlet86

Compromise and emotional support lacking in SAHM's job decision 💔

Terenai | Terenai

In-laws' manipulation backfires, NTA for pursuing amazing job offer 💯

[deleted] | [deleted]

Empathetic comment supporting the stay-at-home mom's autonomy ❤️

alexabutnotamazon | alexabutnotamazon

NTA, but be prepared for consequences. Split custody sucks 👍

iceicebeavis | iceicebeavis

Supportive comment, advises to reevaluate marriage. NTA 💯

Avijel | Avijel

Outdated gender roles under scrutiny 👀

Asshole112233 | Asshole112233

Encouraging reply warns of emotional abuse and future consequences. 🚫

delalunes | delalunes

User criticizes staying in a sexist household and advises therapy.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Breaking promises and being unhappy as a stay-at-home mom 😔

SystemConfident399 | SystemConfident399

Husband works long hours and leaves her with the baby

DiaryOfShowerMemes | DiaryOfShowerMemes

Take control of your life and finances, you're not the a**hole

Resident_Chemist5177 | Resident_Chemist5177

NTA! You deserve better than a husband who sees you as a maid. Go for the job offer and leave him 👊👩‍👧

FuntimesonAITA | FuntimesonAITA

Prioritizing mental health and adjusting agreements is not wrong. 👍

kaopy77 | kaopy77

Don't give up your career for motherhood 💪🏻

gk1400 | gk1400

Taking care of yourself is important, NTA for going back to work 👍

singingmaiden | singingmaiden

SAHM defends her decision to take an amazing job offer

dreamingzombie | dreamingzombie

Husband values stay-at-home maid over wife's mental health. NTA 👏

kraken-Lurking | kraken-Lurking

Choosing to be a stay-at-home parent can ruin relationships 😔

SaltyGal123 | SaltyGal123

SAHM isn't obligated to be unhappy so husband can avoid change 💯

ChasingPotatoes17 | ChasingPotatoes17

Divorce advice for stay-at-home mom. 💔💰

Ron_Because_Why_Not | Ron_Because_Why_Not

NTA! Enjoy the luxurious MILF life of kicking ass 💪

isavvi | isavvi

When it comes to abuse, no one is blameless 😔

Wuellig | Wuellig

SAHM considers job offer, gets NTA judgment & supportive advice.

Knitsanity | Knitsanity

Working mom defends stay-at-home mom's decision to work. 👏

nomad_l17 | nomad_l17

SAHD shares the isolating reality of stay-at-home parenting. 😢

lrhol | lrhol

Being a mom doesn't mean you're just a mom ✌🏻

Mamajay2228 | Mamajay2228

Go for the job! You're NTA for changing your mind 💪🏻. Toxic in-laws 😡 shouldn't dictate your life choices.

mrsgip | mrsgip

Changing your mind is allowed. Reality checks can be eye-opening 👍

sarasotanoah | sarasotanoah

NTA. Spouse sees you as an incubator? Consider divorce 💯

FearlessBright | FearlessBright

Supportive comment empowering woman's decision to prioritize career and question husband's outdated expectations. 💪🏻👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Financial independence is important. NTA for taking the job 💰

OpinionatedESLTeachr | OpinionatedESLTeachr

Woman is not the a**hole for wanting healthier work situation

SlothPear | SlothPear

Husband's lack of empathy towards wife's career goals 💔

edwadokun | edwadokun

Support and warning against possible financial and emotional abuse 👏

lecorbeauamelasse | lecorbeauamelasse

Being a stay-at-home mom doesn't mean being a flower pot. NTA 👏

Talkative-Vegetable | Talkative-Vegetable

Being a stay-at-home parent is not for everyone. NTA 🙌

gingr87 | gingr87

Working mom claps back at controlling husband with harsh truth 🤪

Ok_Barracuda7135 | Ok_Barracuda7135

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