Ungrateful Daughter Demands to ABANDON Mom for Dad's House! 💔

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🚨 Buckle up, folks! We've got a juicy custody battle brewing between a fed-up mom and her ex-hubby. 😱 This mom has been bending over backwards to accommodate her daughter's wishes, but now she's putting her foot down! 🦶 Will her tough love approach win her daughter's affection, or will it drive her further away? 🤔 Let's dive into this family drama and see if we can make sense of it all! 🙌

🚨 Custody Chaos: Mom vs. Ex-Hubby! 😱

mam342 | mam342

🤔 Mystery Man: What Did I Ever See in Him? 🙄

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⚖️ 50/50 Custody... Or Is It? 🤨

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🏃‍♀️ Daughter's Disappearing Act! 😞

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🗣️ Snippy Teen Shuts Down Mom's Attempts to Talk! 😠

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🤷‍♂️ Ex Stays Out of It: "It's Her Choice!" 😒

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👦👦 Sons Follow Sister's Lead: More Time with Dad! 😲

mam342 | mam342

💥 Daughter Drops a Bombshell: "I'm Moving Out!" 😱

mam342 | mam342

❓ Mom Demands Answers, Teen Refuses! 😤

mam342 | mam342

🛑 Mom Puts Her Foot Down: No More Breaking the Rules! 😡

mam342 | mam342

📅 Court Order Ignored for Almost a Year! 😠

mam342 | mam342

🗓️ Mom Lays Down the Law: Follow the Schedule! 😤

mam342 | mam342

👨‍👦 Oldest Son Calls Out Mom's Overreaction! 😲

mam342 | mam342

❄️ Sons Give Mom the Cold Shoulder! 😞

mam342 | mam342

👩‍👧 Sister Calls Mom a Bad Mother! 😢

mam342 | mam342

🔥 Mom's Ultimatum Backfires: Family Turns Against Her! 😢

After months of letting her daughter call the shots, this mom finally had enough! 😤 She demanded her daughter stick to the court-ordered custody schedule, but it blew up in her face. 💥 Her daughter threw a fit, her sons gave her the cold shoulder, and even her own sister called her a bad mom! 😱 Now she's left wondering if she did the right thing or if she's just a big ol' a-hole. 🤔 Let's see what the internet has to say about this sticky situation... 👀

Entitled parent TA for punishing daughter's choice of living arrangement 😒

bluedog33 | bluedog33

Parent criticized for holding child to outdated court order. YTA.

Munchees | Munchees

Curious Redditor asks if OP's daughter's behavior is justified?

jessica11k | jessica11k

User calls out OP for being TA in ridiculous situation 🙄

Obese_Rabbit | Obese_Rabbit

Daughter's autonomy should be respected. YTA. 🙅

Iamanalbatross12 | Iamanalbatross12

Daughter's opinion matters in court. YTA for pushing it.

Kerostasis | Kerostasis

User calls out OP for not telling the whole story 😒

[deleted] | [deleted]

YTA. Seek therapy and stop badmouthing ex to kids. 🙏

Technical-Bite | Technical-Bite

Listen to your daughter's desires and respect her as a person. 💔

pam_bs | pam_bs

Curious Redditor seeks context for ungrateful daughter's behavior 🤔

aminigogo | aminigogo

Let her choose. Don't hold her hostage with Stockholm syndrome.

Noit | Noit

Mom receives advice on how to talk to her kids 👥

cbrodie915 | cbrodie915

A blunt YTA comment calls out the controlling behavior.

mango1588 | mango1588

Sometimes a kid wants to spend more time with one parent 💔

flyingclits | flyingclits

YTA: Listen to the court order, forcing her will cause resentment.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Putting revenge before daughter's well-being makes you the a**hole. 🤢

DeathBahamutXXX | DeathBahamutXXX

User advises against forcing daughter to stay, suggests self-reflection. YTA 🤢

LynneVicious | LynneVicious

User calls out OP for trying to force daughter's decision. 🤔

deinoswyrd | deinoswyrd

User called out for being TA in family dispute. 🤢

ethical_sadist | ethical_sadist

Is OP being unfair to their ex and kids? 🤔

SianTheSheep | SianTheSheep

Forcing your daughter may harm your relationship long-term 👍

mytoenailfelloff | mytoenailfelloff

Don't mess up their life more than the divorce already did. 😔

Chronicler_C | Chronicler_C

Pushing away your kids can lead to permanent no-contact. YTA 🤢

Caijoelle | Caijoelle

Balancing two parents' roles and avoiding avoidance. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Parental overreaction drives daughter away. Calm chat can mend relationship.

Bingalingbean123 | Bingalingbean123

Parent prioritizes 'disrespect' over connecting with children. YTA 👎

b3tchn | b3tchn

Harsh comment suggests therapy before losing children forever. 😔

Astr0spacecat | Astr0spacecat

Daughter wants to live with dad, YTA for forcing visitation. 👍

generaljaydub | generaljaydub

Redditor shares personal experience and advises against forcing daughter.

alldoggosaregoodbois | alldoggosaregoodbois

Forcing her out may backfire. Respect her opinion. 👍

stillpretending13 | stillpretending13

Daughter wants to live with dad, parents need to uncover why. 😕

teke367 | teke367

Importance of considering divorce context discussed in neutral tone.

browniepoints91 | browniepoints91

Court order used to prevent relationship with daughter. YTA 😠

WifeofTech | WifeofTech

Empathize with the kid's situation. YTA for not understanding.

Panopticons_Within | Panopticons_Within

User criticizes parent and suggests legal representation for children.

Amythist35 | Amythist35

Parental argument with teen daughter causing more alienation 😓

nyorifamiliarspirit | nyorifamiliarspirit

Daughter's decision sparks family feud, internet decides YTA 👎

Western_Grand | Western_Grand

Trying to force your child to spend time with you will make them hate and resent you. Fix your shit now. YTA 😠

smol_pink_cute | smol_pink_cute

"Missing reasons" leads to argument with son. YTA 🤬

loudent2 | loudent2

Respect your daughter's wishes or risk losing her forever. YTA. 👎

[deleted] | [deleted]

"YTA." It's troubling that you characterize your children's desire to spend less time with you as disrespectful.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Building resentment risks losing your child, consider therapy. YTA.

LSATpenguin | LSATpenguin

Respect her decision, enforcing court agreement will only create resentment.

Cardinal_and_Plum | Cardinal_and_Plum

Even impartial readers agree OP is the a**hole here! 😱

Tom-Clark | Tom-Clark

User calls out OP for trying to force daughter to stay.

ashalie87 | ashalie87

"YTA." Family therapy is the only option to fix things. 👆🏻

bzzbzzitstime | bzzbzzitstime

Daughter wants to leave mom for dad's house, mom is YTA 🤦‍♀️

samxstone | samxstone

User calls out selfishness of poster in custody dispute. 🤔

pvprikv | pvprikv

Daughter wants to abandon mom, mom refuses. Tension escalates. 🤔

BurgerThyme | BurgerThyme

Daughter prefers dad's house, mom needs to self-evaluate parenting 👍

sassyandsweer789 | sassyandsweer789

User called out for being a narcissistic parent. 🤣

SmokinOz | SmokinOz

Give your daughter control, your sons need a graduated system. YTA 👎

Desert_Fairy | Desert_Fairy

Lawyer advises to back off unless child is in danger. 👍

Gregorfunkenb | Gregorfunkenb

Curious commenter wants more details about the situation 🤔

Panos0502 | Panos0502

User calls out OP for treating their kids as objects ⚠️

knharp | knharp

Tough love for mom: YTA for prioritizing your feelings over daughter's.

CrippledAstronaut | CrippledAstronaut

Experience speaks: prioritize relationship with your child over 'muh rights' 👍

Javaphile | Javaphile

Sensible advice on handling children's custody and preferences 👍

C_Alex_author | C_Alex_author

Let your child explore the world and feel welcomed back. 👍

phishonabicycle | phishonabicycle

User calls out OP for being manipulative and controlling (YTA)

NotSmegmaOnDemand | NotSmegmaOnDemand

User suggests counseling to resolve family conflict. 👨‍🎓

weirddevil | weirddevil

Uncovering secrets: YTA comment hints at untold story. 🤔

AkhIrr | AkhIrr

Parental alienation can have serious consequences in the long run. 💔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Daughter spending time at dad's doesn't make her ungrateful. YTA 💔

calliatom | calliatom

Parent's dismissive attitude towards daughter's mental health. YTA. 🤯

Ottersalot | Ottersalot

Prioritizing your child's mental health may require temporary separation. ✌️

prhamm | prhamm

Letting go can be hard but forcing them won't help 😔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Teen's perspective on divorced parents' home situation, advises OP to give kids more choices. YTA.

BlueBabyCat666 | BlueBabyCat666

Let your daughter have a say in visiting her dad 👍

jackssweetheart | jackssweetheart

Daughter's happiness should be the priority. YTA. 🙄

WinterGlory | WinterGlory

Respect your child's choices or risk losing them. YTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Court order ignored, ungrateful kids, and undeserved blame. 🤯

ObsidianKrystal | ObsidianKrystal

The importance of disclosing context before judging someone. 🤔

Nerfixion | Nerfixion

Let your daughter choose. YTA if you don't. 👍

lasercat13 | lasercat13

Defending a mother's right to follow court-ordered custody👍

Jandishhulk | Jandishhulk

User warns OP of custody battle consequences. 🤔

AllShallBeWell | AllShallBeWell

Being a child of divorced parents is tough, need more info. 🤔

jasminel96 | jasminel96

Parental control can cause resentment and estrange your children 😢

fatimas99 | fatimas99

YTA. Parental authority won't fix the underlying issue. 🤷‍♀️

PingtheAPB | PingtheAPB

User calls out parent for not understanding daughter's perspective.

BroadElderberry | BroadElderberry

Connect with your daughter and avoid pushing her away. 👨🏻‍👩🏻🎁

ElizabethHiems | ElizabethHiems

User thinks parent is selfish for prioritizing their wants over child's.

Minalexiss | Minalexiss

Advice for divorced parent: Listen to your daughter's decisions 🗣️

moonwalkingcowgirl | moonwalkingcowgirl

Daughter wants to live with dad, other kids follow suit. YTA.

Sirenskye | Sirenskye

Accept the court order and prioritize the child's happiness. 👍

WhiskyEchoTango | WhiskyEchoTango

User calls out toxic behavior and recommends therapy 💊

elsinillinois | elsinillinois

Narcissism alert! Commenter calls out OP's lack of introspection. 🤔

Foxodroid | Foxodroid

Putting kids first is important, don't let bitterness ruin relationships 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Give her space and don't make her feel trapped 🚪

asingledampcheerio | asingledampcheerio

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